The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Sparrows" (Vorobi) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

Under the window, on green branches, early birds chirped.

Sparrows, you are thieves, like me, with thieving habits.

"Chirp-chirp" - apparently your voice is so wonderful that they don't even cage you,

That's why you steal, brother, with your loud mouth, like I have since childhood.

I never regretted anything, till the very end - vodka and women.

And when I got caught for the common fund, they warmed me up well the whole term, and not weakly.

Yeah, my thief father didn't wait, he's gone, and I didn't know, I was far away somewhere...

Oh, to be a sparrow, and just fly to my mother, home, from branch to branch.

Someone's in jail, someone's on the run from the cops, abroad and back to Russia.

Tramps are roaming the city dust, why? You didn't even ask them...

For you, it's just another escapee to shoot, what's a man to you - just a crook!

But I also want to walk around, live with my children and my beloved girlfriend.

And that's why my fate is like those sparrows, from the Chinese,

To steal and jump on branches, jump from place to place, wander.

And at home, mom is still waiting, for her I am dear and desired,

And I haven't seen her for three years, and if I come, they'll take me, oddly enough.

And at home, mom is still waiting, for her I am dear and desired,

And I haven't seen her for three years, and if I come, they'll take me, oddly enough.

Под окном на зеленых ветвях расчирикались ранние пташки.

Воробьи, вы ж воры, как и я, и у вас воровские замашки.

"Чик-чирик" - видно твой голосок так чуден, что не садят и в клетку,

Потому и воруешь, браток, с желторотства, как я с малолетки.

Ничего никогда не жалел, до последнего - водка и бабы.

А когда на общак залетел, грели плотно весь срок и не слабо.

Да батя-вор не дождался, ушел, а я не знал, я далеко был где-то...

Да я б воробышком, да так и пошел к маме, к дому да с ветки на ветку.

Кто сидит, кто в бегах от ментов за границу и снова в Россию.

Босяки топчут пыль городов, почему? Вы ж у них не спросили...

Вы ж чуть что - при побеге стрелять, что для вас человек - раз ворюга!

А я ведь тоже хочу погулять, жить с детьми и любимой подругой.

И поэтому доля моя, как у тех воробьев, от китайцев

Воровать да скакать по ветвям, прыгать с места на место, скитаться.

А дома мама по-прежнему ждет, для нее я родной и желанный,

А я не вижу ее третий год, а приеду - возьмут, как ни странно.

А дома мама по-прежнему ждет, для нее я родной и желанный,

А я не вижу ее третий год, а приеду - возьмут, как ни странно.

In his song "Sparrows," Mikhail Krug draws a parallel between the life of sparrows and the fate of a man living outside the law. The lyrical hero sees in these small birds "brothers in misfortune," fellow thieves forced to find food, risking their freedom.

The sparrow's "chirp-chirp" is a metaphor for audacity, the ability to survive on the edge, escaping punishment. The hero, like these birds, has been on a slippery slope since childhood, adopting "thieving habits" and experiencing the hardships of imprisonment ("warmed up tightly the whole term").

The image of a sparrow flying from branch to branch symbolizes wanderings and the constant threat of persecution. The hero's life, like the life of a sparrow, is full of hardship and uncertainty. He yearns for freedom, family, the opportunity to live honestly ("And I also want to walk, live with children and a beloved girlfriend").

Despite life's adversities and separation from loved ones, the hero cherishes the love for his mother, who continues to await his return. However, the reality is cruel: returning home means inevitable arrest ("And if I arrive, they will take me, strangely enough").

The song is filled with bitterness and longing for a different fate, nostalgia for simple human joys, inaccessible to the hero because of his lifestyle.

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