The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Everything will come true." (Vsyo sbudetsya) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

Let's be silent and everything will come true, believe me, there are happy days in this world.

After long and difficult losses, they return again.

Their road is not that long, miles of happiness are shorter by a step.

And there is little wine left, so let's just be silent.

Let's be silent about the friends we've lost, let's remember them with a kind word.

And imagine that just the other day, this Tuesday, we saw them.

And we will not guess on the ace, we will believe, and faith will save us.

Let's be silent, we will manage to say everything, even more, but only later.

Let's be silent about unfulfilled dreams, let the soul rest from the calls,

Silence will turn the key in the lock, and no crickets will be heard behind the stove.

I am convinced of the uselessness of words, tell others

Tales of the Vienna Woods mints, about repentance and the soul.

Помолчим и все сбудется верь есть на свете счастливые дни

После долгих и трудных потерь возвращаются снова они.

Их дорога не так уж длинна версты счастья короче на шаг

И немного осталось вина, так давай помолчим просто так.

Помолчим о пропавших друзьях, помолчим добрым словом о них.

И представим как-будто на днях, в этот вторник мы видели их.

И не будем гадать на туза, будем верить, а вера спасет.

Помолчим, все успеем сказать, даже больше, но только потом.

Помолчим о несбывшихся снах, пусть душа отдохнет от звонков,

Ключ в замке повернет тишина, и за печкой не слышно сверчков.

Убеждаюсь в ненужности слов, вы другим расскажите уже

Сказки Венского Леса ментов, о раскаянии и о душе.

In Mikhail Krug's song "Everything Will Come True," the lyrical hero calls for silence as a way to overcome difficulties and maintain hope. The text is filled with melancholy and faith that "after long and difficult losses, they will return again" happy days.

Silence here acts not as inaction but as a special state of mind that helps to maintain inner harmony and faith. The hero proposes to "keep silent about the lost friends," not indulging in grief but preserving a bright memory of them. He encourages us to believe in the best, because "faith will save."

The rejection of empty talk, "tales of the Vienna Woods cops," symbolizes the hero's desire to distance himself from the hustle and bustle of life, lies, and falsehood. He believes that true feelings do not need words; they are born in silence, in the depths of the soul.

The image of the key in the lock, turned by silence, creates an atmosphere of peace and tranquility. The hero seems to lock the outside world with all its problems behind the door to be alone with himself and his thoughts.

"Everything Will Come True" is a song of hope, a song of faith that even after the darkest of times, dawn comes. It is only important to be able to keep faith and hope in your heart, and words… words will come later.

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