The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Their eyes met..." (Vstretilis glaza...) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

Our eyes met, snow fell from a branch, brush it off your shoulder with your fingertips.

Don't believe yourself, your heart lies, you whisper, I can read your lips,

First a sigh, then fear, don't believe yourself, your own eyes.

Don't believe yourself: anything can happen, look, even this snow is melting on your cheek

And dripping like a tear into a snowdrift, a tiny April rain.

Go, leave, though wait, - only snow crunches under your heel.

Yellow leaves swirl on the snow, could spring have gilded them with rain?

And along the snowdrifts, by the roads, on the half-buried bushes,

A gust of wind carried it away, don't believe yourself, your own words.

Встретились глаза, с ветки снег упал, кончиками пальцев стряхни его с плеча.

Не верь себе, и сердце лжёт, ты шепчешь, вижу по губам,

Сначала вздох, потом испуг, не верь себе, своим глазам.

Ты не верь себе: мало ль что бывает, вот и этот снег тает на щеке

И капает слезой в сугроб апрельским маленьким дождём.

Иди, ступай, хотя постой, — лишь снег скрипит под каблуком.

Кружит на снегу жёлтая листва, не весна ль дождём позолотила листья?

А по сугробам, вдоль дорог, полузасыпанным кустам

Порывом ветра унесло, не верь себе, своим словам.

In Mikhail Krug's song "Our Eyes Met..." a simple description of a winter landscape hides strong emotions and unspoken feelings. The lyrical hero, witnessing a fleeting encounter, addresses himself, trying to suppress the suddenly surging feelings.

"Our eyes met, snow fell from the branch" - this line conveys the spontaneity and fleetingness of the moment, which, however, leaves a deep mark on the hero's soul. Falling snow symbolizes purification, the beginning of something new, perhaps the birth of love.

"Don't believe yourself, your heart is lying, you whisper, I can read your lips" - the hero struggles with himself, trying to ignore the feelings that his own heart betrays and the words that involuntarily escape his lips. He does not believe in the possibility of happiness, perhaps having been burned in the past.

The image of melting snow ("and so this snow melts on your cheek and drips like a tear...") is a metaphor for the passing moment, the illusory nature of hope for happiness. The April rain dripping into the snowdrift emphasizes the contradictory nature of the situation: spring, symbolizing new life, brings not joy, but sadness.

The lyrical hero hesitates: "Go on, leave, though wait". He cannot bring himself to take a step towards his feelings, he is held back by fear and distrust ("don't believe yourself, your eyes", "don't believe yourself, your words").

The final lines of the song, where yellow leaves swirl in the snow, create a sense of surrealism. It is unclear whether this is an optical illusion, or whether nature itself echoes the chaos in the soul of the lyrical hero. The wind, carrying away the leaves, symbolizes the elusive hope for happiness.

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