The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Please provide the lyrics to the "Hymn of the GAI" in Russian. I will then translate them into English for you." (Gimn GAI) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

You'll find our dear Tver on the map, the road of two capitals, E-95.

We're all like family, ever since our school desks, our traffic police mentors, comrades, friends.

We're all like family, ever since our school desks, our traffic police mentors, comrades, friends.

In rain and snow, when even a dog wouldn't be let out by its owner,

We're on duty every day, we're on guard every day, and our sacred duty is to uphold the law.

We're on duty every day, we're on guard every day, and our sacred duty is to uphold the law.

We're proud of those who fulfill their duty, who haven't sold their conscience, though life is hard for us.

But no one cancels criminal dramas, and sometimes we give our lives at our posts.

But no one cancels criminal dramas, and sometimes we give our lives at our posts.

We never cry to fate, there's no harder job in the Interior Ministry system.

And though movies are rarely made about us, may fate protect you all, represented by the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate.

And though movies are rarely made about us, may fate protect you all, represented by the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate.

Родную нашу Тверь найдете вы на карте, дорога двух столиц Е-95.

Все как одна семья, ещё со школьной парты, наставники ГАИ, соратники, друзья.

Все как одна семья ещё со школьной парты, наставники ГАИ, соратники, друзья.

И в дождь и в снегопад, когда хозяин даже собаку за порог не выгонит гулять.

Мы каждый день в наряд, мы каждый день на страже, и долг святой для нас-законность соблюдать.

Мы каждый день в наряд, мы каждый день на страже, и долг святой для нас-законность соблюдать.

Гордимся мы за тех,кто долг свой выполняет, кто совесть не продал, хоть трудно мы живем.

Но криминальных драм никто не отменяет, и на посту порой мы жизни отдаем.

Но криминальных драм никто не отменяет, и на посту порой мы жизни отдаем.

Мы никогда судьбе не плачемся в жилетку, трудней работы нет в системе МВД.

И пусть о нас кино снимают очень редко, храни Вас всех судьба в лице ГИБДД.

И пусть о нас кино снимают очень редко, храни Вас всех судьба в лице ГИБДД.

Mikhail Krug's song "Hymn of the GAI" glorifies the difficult and often dangerous service of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate officers. The author draws a parallel between the GAI and family, emphasizing the solidarity, mutual assistance, and dedication to the profession that characterize these people.

The text begins by mentioning the city of Tver, located on the E-95 highway connecting the two capitals – Moscow and St. Petersburg. This indicates the importance and scale of the GAI's work, covering strategically important transport arteries.

The phrase "since school days" hints that many GAI officers have dreamed of their profession since childhood, perhaps inspired by the example of senior comrades or relatives.

Further, Krug paints a picture of selfless guardians of order who serve in any weather ("in rain and snow"), emphasizing their dedication to duty and willingness to sacrifice comfort for the sake of road safety.

The song does not ignore the difficulties faced by GAI officers – low salaries ("though we live hard"), risk to life ("and sometimes we give our lives at the post"), constant confrontation with crime ("no one cancels criminal dramas").

However, despite all the hardships, the text shows pride in the profession and unwavering faith in its importance. GAI officers do not complain about fate ("We never cry to fate in our vests") and consider their work to be one of the most difficult in the Ministry of Internal Affairs system ("there is no harder work").

The song concludes with a wish to all traffic police officers ("may fate keep you all"), emphasizing the importance of their work for society and expressing hope that their work will be appreciated.

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