The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Have a good trip!" (Dobrogo puti) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

Came back from a route, feeling tired, the trip is over, truckers are a tough breed.

I'm a trucker myself, drove a lot, God knows, rubbed the dust of the roads with my wheels.

You drive, sing songs, listen to the engine, and it sings along with me, it loves songs.

Remembered Svetka, how the wind blew up her skirt, and I shifted into fifth gear, pretending not to notice.

The river flows outside the window, beyond the river - a meadow, Svetka's been waiting for her dear friend for who knows how long.

I'm stopping by the spring downhill, come on, Svetka, have some spring water.

Svetka is driving, drinking water, looking around, talking about a trucker's life with contempt:

"It's good that you have everything, you go wherever you want, while a teacher only has a desk and a notebook to look at!"

I didn't argue with her, didn't try to convince her, if you're not in a hurry to see your friend, we need to tell fortunes.

But if you drive like that, your flowers will wilt, driving is like stealing - the cops will get you.

And truckers are driving on the highways here and there, they stop for the night, have a shot, and hit the road in the morning.

And life winds on the driveshaft year after year, snow will cover the road, rain will flood it.

An old poster lifted my spirits, someone painted it many years ago.

I should refresh it, bring some paint, two warm words: "Have a good journey!"

I should refresh it, bring some paint, two warm words: "Have a good journey!"

Пришёл с рейса, подустал, кончился поход, шоферюги-шофера - непростой народ.

Да я и сам из шоферюг, нарулил - дай Бог, колесом своим втирал пыль в тоску дорог.

Едешь, песенки поёшь, слушаешь мотор, а он поёт со мною вместе, он на песни скор.

Вспомнил Светку, как сквозняк юбку ей поднял, а я пятую врубил и будто не видал.

За окном река бежит, за рекою - луг, Светку ждёт с каких уж пор её милый друг.

Тормозну у родничка в спуске под горой, а ты отведай, Светочка, водички ключевой.

Светка едет, воду пьёт, в стороны глядит, про шофёрское житьё с фортом говорит:

"Хорошо, всё завёл, куда хочешь - едь, а училке - только стол и в тетрадь глядеть!"

Я не стал ей говорить, переубеждать, коли к другу не спешишь - надо погадать.

А вот так-то порули - опадут цветы, шоферить что воровать - заедят менты.

И по трассам тут и там едут шофера, на ночь встанут, по сто грамм, да и в путь с утра.

И мотает на кардан жизнь за годом год, снег дорогу заметёт, дождиком зальёт.

Настроение поднял старенький плакат, его кто-то написал много лет назад.

Не забыть бы подновить, краски принести, два словечка теплые: "Доброго пути!"

Не забыть бы подновить, краски принести, два словечка теплые: "Доброго пути!"

The song "Have a Good Journey" by Mikhail Krug tells the story of the difficult life of a truck driver, his thoughts on the road, and a chance encounter that becomes food for thought about life.

The hero of the song, tired after a long trip, returns home and reflects on his difficult profession. He compares himself to other drivers, calling them "not an easy people." The long road, the monotonous landscape outside the window, the roar of the engine – all this becomes an integral part of the truck driver's life.

On the way, the hero is visited by memories of a girl named Svetka. He recalls an incident when, while giving her a ride, he pretended not to notice the wind lifting her skirt. This detail shows that the hero is not devoid of a sense of humor and a certain amount of simple cunning.

A chance meeting at the spring becomes an occasion for a conversation about life. Svetlana, waiting for her "dear friend," talks about the advantages of being a driver, contrasting it with the routine work of a teacher. The hero does not try to argue or convince her, realizing that everyone has their own path and their own idea of happiness.

The final verses of the song introduce the motif of the transience of life, which, like a road, runs ahead. The image of an old poster with the inscription "Have a Good Journey!" becomes a symbol of hope and a wish of good luck to all travelers on the road of life.

The song "Have a Good Journey" is a kind of anthem to all truck drivers, romantics of the road, who, despite difficulties and hardships, retain kindness and optimism in their souls.

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