The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Kolya's life." (Jizn Koli) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

Among the great temptations, he was simply noble, a simple guy who often goofed off.

They found Kolya at the dacha, in the garden, and that's why he honestly didn't like to work.

But in his soul, he was not at all inclined to idleness, from childhood he was taught to adore sour cream,

He loved to play Indians, fight with his sister, loved to eat potatoes after work.

But then he went to school with a satchel under his arm, brought home three D's and two C's in his satchel.

And it was clear to his mother that her little son did not like to study – that's the way things were.

But Kolya had one remedy in his defense: he honestly promised, he often swore,

That he would study, and his father did not scold him, and for ten years his father waited for A's from Kolya.

When Kolya grew up, he went into sports – he was engaged in wrestling, he mastered the techniques.

What used to be fleeting, now seemed offensive, but Kolya did not want to fight with the weak.

But then Kolya noticed a weakness in himself – that you can't find a better partner than your girlfriend,

And he gave up wrestling, added to his etiquette, and now the former "chief" took his girlfriends to the dacha.

Среди больших соблазнов был просто благороден, и он простой был парень, баклуши часто бил.

Колюху отыскали на даче в огороде, и потому трудиться он, честно, не любил.

Но он в душе был склонен отнюдь не к тунеядству, он с детства был приучен сметанку обожать,

Любил играть в индейцев, с сестрой своею драться, любил после работы (такой) картошечки пожрать.

Но вот пошёл он в школу с портфельчиком под мышкой, принёс домой в портфеле три двойки, два кола.

И ясно было маме то, что её сынишка не полюбил учиться — такие вот дела.

Но Коле в оправданье служило одно средство: он честно обещался, он часто заклинал,

Что будет он учиться, и папа не ругался и десять лет от Коли пятёрки папа ждал.

Когда подрос Колюха, он в спорт ударил сильно — борьбою занимался, приёмами владел.

Что раньше — мимолётно, казалось счас обидно, но Коля и бороться со слабым не хотел.

Но вот в себе Колюха слабинку сам заметил, — что лучше, чем подружка, партнера не найдешь,

И он борьбу забросил, прибавил в этикете и вот водил подружек на дачу бывший "вождь".

The song "Kolya's Life" by Mikhail Krug satirizes the archetype of a simple, lazy, but generally good-natured guy.

The very first lines ironically describe Kolya as a "noble" loafer ("among the great temptations, he was simply noble", "he often loafed around"). Finding Kolya in the garden at the dacha only confirms his dislike of work.

However, the author does not portray Kolya as a complete slacker. He has positive qualities - he "in his soul was not at all inclined to idleness", loves simple joys of life: eating, playing.

Kolya's school years are a series of failures ("three D's, two F's"). Promises to improve and his father's expectations ("for ten years, dad waited for A's from Kolya") only enhance the comicality of the image.

His passion for sports (wrestling) turns into another comical situation: Kolya "didn't want to fight the weak." As a result, he finds a more pleasant use for his strength, "taking his girlfriends to the dacha."

Thus, the song "Kolya's Life" is a satirical, but good-natured story about a simple guy whose desire for an easy and pleasant life turns into funny, ridiculous situations.

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