The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The stage is in progress." (Idet etap) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

You'll come up to the fence, wave your hand to me,

Smile as always, and shout: "Hello!"

Hello, my kind one, hello, my dear one,

No need for sadness, everything is clear anyway.

Last time I looked out the window, a heavy downpour was falling.

We looked at each other and said nothing.

Down your cheeks flowed drops of summer rain,

Or maybe tears, tears of sorrow.

The stage is coming. The stage is coming.

Ты к запретке подойдешь, помахаешь мне рукой,

Улыбнешься как всегда, и крикнешь: "Здравствуй!"

Здравствуй добрая моя, здравствуй милая моя,

Не надо печали, и так все ясно.

Прошлый раз смотрел в окно, дождь шел сильный проливной.

Мы смотрели друг на друга и молчали.

По твоим щекам текли, капли летнего дождя,

А может слезы, слезы печали.

Идет этап. Идет этап.

Mikhail Krug's song "The Convoy is Moving" ("Идет этап") is filled with deep longing and the sorrow of separation. The lyrical hero addresses his beloved, who has come to see him off to the convoy, perhaps to a place of imprisonment.

The first verse paints a picture of farewell: the heroine stands at the forbidden line ("запретка" - the boundary separating prisoners from freedom), waves her hand, and smiles through tears. The phrase "and so everything is clear" ("и так все ясно") speaks to the hopelessness of the situation, to the fact that words are superfluous in the face of separation.

The second verse takes us back to their last meeting. The rain outside the window becomes a metaphor for the tears streaming down the woman's face. It is unclear whether these are raindrops or tears - the line is blurred, like the feelings of the characters. Their silence during the meeting emphasizes the depth of their emotions, which cannot be expressed in words.

The repetition of "The convoy is moving. The convoy is moving" ("Идет этап. Идет этап") sounds like the blows of fate, the inevitability of separation. In these words, we hear the bitterness of loss, a sense of fatalism, and an understanding of the immutability of destiny.

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