The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Zinochka - Zinulya" the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

Zinochka-Zinulya, what will be, will be. I know it's the first time, but suddenly this:

You asked quietly: 'Kolya, will you marry me?' I said: 'Ask me something else.

And don't cry — you're talking nonsense. You'll be the laughingstock of Volokolamskoye Highway.

Go back to the dorm, honey, don't be sad — I'll introduce you to Slavka tomorrow'.

Zinochka-Zinulya burst into tears, completely devastated: 'So, I borrowed Tanya's blouse for nothing?'

'It wasn't for nothing, Zinulya, I was with Yulka in this blouse, but Slavka Dorfman will love you — even without this blouse.

Well, of course, Zin, I'll come to you again, and not just as your 'elevator companion':

Maybe I'll need a place to drink — get used to it now, if you want to marry a driver.

Zinochka-Zinulya, what will be, will be: There are so many of you in the dorms —

Foolish girls, dreaming of playing with love, and then crying like a bittern...'

Зиночка-Зинуля, чему быть — не миновать. Ясно — в первый раз, да вдруг такое:

Ты спросила тихо: "Коль, а замуж будешь брать?" я сказал: "Спроси про что другое.

И не надо только слёз — болтаешь глупости. Осмеешь по всей Волоколамке.

Возвращайся, милая, в общагу, не грусти — познакомлю завтра вас со Славкой".

Зиночка-Зинуля зарыдала, вся без сил: "Что ж, я зря брала у Таньки кофту?"

"Всё не зря, Зинуль, я в этой кофте с Юлькой был, но тебя полюбит Славка Дорфман — и без этой кофты.

Ну, конечно, Зин, к тебе приду ещё не раз и не только в качестве "лифтёра":

Может, выпить негде будет, — привыкай сейчас, если хочешь замуж за шофёра.

Зиночка-Зинуля, чему быть — не миновать: Сколько вас таких по общежитьям —

Дурочек, мечтающих любовью поиграть, а потом ревут болотной выпью..."

Mikhail Krug's song "Zinochka-Zinulya" tells a story of unrequited love and the lyrical hero's cynical attitude towards the girl's feelings.

The hero, Kolya, appears to be a rude, calculating man, experienced in relationships with women. He has no serious feelings for Zinochka and makes it clear to her in no uncertain terms. The phrase "Zinochka-Zinulya, what will be - will be" sounds like a fatalistic prediction, as if he knows in advance that their romance will be fleeting and end in disappointment for the girl.

Zinochka, on the contrary, seems naive and in love. She dreams of marriage, of true love, and her hopes are dashed against Kolya's cynicism. The girl is at a loss and does not understand what to do: "Did I borrow Tanya's blouse for nothing?". This question betrays her innocence and inexperience in love affairs.

Kolya, instead of showing sensitivity, continues to rub salt in the wound, mentioning his adventures with other girls. He seems to be trying to justify his callousness, to convince himself and Zinochka that all women are the same and dream of only one thing - to marry a driver.

The final lines of the song sound especially cruel and heartless: "How many of you are there in the dormitories - fools who dream of playing with love...". They show contempt and disappointment in women who, according to the hero, are themselves to blame for their suffering. He sees their heartbreak as a predictable outcome of their naivety and desire to play with love, further fueling his cynical outlook on relationships. The song leaves a bitter aftertaste, highlighting the harsh reality of unrequited love and the emotional toll it can take.

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