The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Hello, Mom." (Zdravstvuy, mama) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

Hello, Mother, don't you recognize your beloved son?

You saw me off as a young man, and now you greet an old man.

You saw me off as a young man, and now you greet an old man.

They wrote to me - you are buried in the ground beyond Pechora, by the swift river,

And since then my heart has been aching, overflowing with sadness and longing.

And since then my heart has been aching, overflowing with sadness and longing.

I wasn't, Mother, buried in the ground, I lived as friends with death, Mother,

Beyond Pechora, by the swift river, I experienced much torment and sorrow.

Beyond Pechora, by the swift river, I experienced much torment and sorrow.

Often death walked behind me, often, often hunger overwhelmed me,

In summer the heat with rains tormented me, and in winter the frost pierced me.

In summer the heat with rains tormented me, and in winter the frost pierced me.

So accept me, dear, calm down, you didn't expect your son, oh, what a misfortune,

And the old woman began to sob loudly, starting to kiss her son.

So pour, Mother, more vodka, I will drown the pain in my chest with vodka,

I will forget the drunken hardships and sing something for the heart.

I will forget the drunken hardships and sing something for the heart.

Здравствуй, мама, разве не узнала своего любимого сынка?

Юношей меня ты провожала а теперь встречаешь старика.

Юношей меня ты провожала а теперь встречаешь старика.

Мне писали - ты зарыт землею за Печорой, быстрою рекой,

И с тех пор болит мое сердечко, обливаясь грустью и тоской.

И с тех пор болит мое сердечко, обливаясь грустью и тоской.

Не был, мама, я зарыт землею, я со смертью, мама, дружно жил

За Печерой, быстрою рекою, много мук и горя пережил.

За Печерой, быстрою рекою, много мук и горя пережил.

Часто смерть ходила за плечами, часто, часто голод донимал,

Летом мучила жара с дождями, а зимой морозец пробирал.

Летом мучила жара с дождями, а зимой морозец пробирал.

Так принимай, родная успокойся ты не ждала сына, о, беда,

И старушка громко зарыдала, принимаясь сына целовать.

Так наливай, мамаша, больше водки, боль в груди я водкою залью,

Позабуду пьяные невзгоды и для сердца что-нибудь спою.

Позабуду пьяные невзгоды и для сердца что-нибудь спою.

The song "Hello, Mama" by Mikhail Krug tells the story of a man who has gone through severe trials. The lyrical hero returns home after a long absence, during which his mother received false news of his death "beyond Pechora, the fast river."

The lines "Hello, Mama, don't you recognize your beloved son? You saw me off as a young man, and now you meet an old man" emphasize how much the hero has changed – both externally and internally. The hardships of life that he mentions – hunger, cold, "torment and grief" – have left an indelible mark on him.

The meeting with his mother is filled with bitterness and pain. The phrase "You didn't expect your son, oh, what a misfortune" suggests that the mother had already lost hope of seeing him alive. In response to his mother's tears, the hero asks for vodka to drown his emotional pain and forget himself for a while.

The song "Hello, Mama" is a story about the tragedy of fate, about loss and hope, about pain and love.

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