The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Viburnum - raspberry" (Kalina - malina) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

How risky life is after all, and we're forever chained to something.

Is conscience given to each just as a warning? Everyone's silent, though loud-mouthed in their souls.

Everyone's covered in money wallpaper, alternating holidays with drinking parties,

Even women, partial to wine – the same red noses and faces.


Oh, what a picture I see before me, oh, you are my viburnum, my raspberry.

Randomly, in the dawn of youth, we said 'I love you' out of foolishness.

What can you do – dreams of the future, weddings, children, the south, the Caucasus, and then

A momma's boy, who hasn't served, hasn't earned his bread – suddenly he's told: 'There will be a little one'.

All he's seen are classroom gatherings and reprimands from his father at home.


Oh, you are my viburnum, my raspberry, oh, you are my girl, Marina.

До чего же всё-таки жизнь рискованна, и к чему-то вечно мы прикованы.

Совесть каждому — для одной острастки ли? Все молчат, хотя в душе — горластые.

Все обклеились купюрными обоями, чередуя праздники с попойками,

Даже женщины, к вину пристрастные, — те же носики и рожи красные.


Ой, какая предо мной картина, ой, калина ты моя, малина.

Как ни попадя в рассвете юности говорили мы "люблю" от глупости.

Что поделаешь — мечты о будущем, свадьбы, дети, юг, Кавказ, а тут ещё

Не служивший, не хлебнувший, маменькин — вдруг ему сказали: "Будет маленький".

Что он видел — классные собрания да лишь дома от отца взыскания.


Ой, калина ты моя, малина, ой, ты девочка моя, Марина.

In his song "Kalina-Malina," Mikhail Krug reflects with bitterness and irony on the realities of life that a person faces. The author draws attention to the contradictory nature of man, the discrepancy between the outer gloss and inner experiences.

The phrase "How risky life is, and to something we are always chained" conveys a sense of uncertainty and dependence on circumstances. People are constrained by fears, stereotypes, material attachments.

"Is conscience given to everyone just for a warning?" - a rhetorical question denouncing hypocrisy and indifference. People hide their true thoughts and feelings ("Everyone is silent, although in their hearts they are loud-mouthed"), preferring conformity and the pursuit of material wealth ("Everyone is covered with banknotes wallpaper, alternating holidays with drinking").

The image of women ("Even women, addicted to wine, have the same red noses and faces") emphasizes the general degradation, the loss of moral guidelines.

The chorus "Oh, what a picture is before me, oh, you are my viburnum, my raspberry" sounds like a bitter grin, expressing disappointment and pain for missed opportunities, for an unfulfilled dream of a real life.

The second verse takes us back to youth, a time of hopes and illusions. Frivolous confessions ("we said 'I love you' out of stupidity"), dreams of a happy future ("weddings, children, the south, the Caucasus") are shattered by the harsh reality. A young man unprepared for responsibility is faced with unplanned fatherhood ("suddenly they told him: 'There will be a little one'"), which turns out not to be a joy for him, but new problems ("class meetings and only reprimands from his father at home").

The image of "viburnum-raspberry" runs through the entire song, symbolizing unfulfilled love, elusive beauty, and disappointment in a dream.

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