The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Confession" (Ispoved) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

Today, I stand before the priest

In this old church, seeking peace.

His weary eyes, a flickering flame,

As I confess my guilt and shame.

My soul aches, yet I feel no fear,

For I've come to God, my heart sincere.


Forgive my sins, Father, I implore,

I know I've strayed so far before.

Hear my plea, I beg of you,

To God I turn, repentant and true.

I'll bare my soul, my wrongs confess,

Lay my wounded spirit at your address.

Lay my wounded spirit at your address.

The scent of incense fills the air,

My sins weigh heavy, I despair.

So easy to transgress, it's true,

But finding grace is hard to do.

The priest then asks, "Who's free from sin?

Who's soul is pure, untouched within?"

This old cross upon my chest I bear,

Through trials and pain, it's always there.

I've stumbled, Father, lost my way,

From the righteous path I've gone astray.

Oh Lord, forgive this life I've led.


Forgive my sins, Father, I implore,

I know I've strayed so far before.

Hear my plea, I beg of you,

To God I turn, repentant and true.

I'll bare my soul, my wrongs confess,

Lay my wounded spirit at your address.

Lay my wounded spirit at your address.

Я сегодня в церкви старой перед батюшкой стою

Взгляд ловлю его усталый, как свеча в огне горю.

Ведь пришёл сегодня к богу я покаяться в грехах

Хоть болит душа немного только мне не ведом страх.


Отпусти мне батюшка грехи знаю у меня их очень много

Выслушай прошу и помоги ведь хочу покаяться пред богом.

Не тая всю правду расскажу исповедь мою прошу послушай

На алтарь тебе я положу свою искалеченную душу.

На алтарь тебе я положу Свою искалеченную душу.

В старой церкви пахнет воском я не в силах промолчать

Совершать грехи так просто, но не просто искупать.

Только батюшка ответил кто сегодня без греха?

Кто сегодня чист и светел? Кто душою не солгал?

Свой на теле старый крестик я не разу не снимал

От печали и болезни он не раз меня спасал

Ошибался – было дело я не раз сходил с пути

Жизнь такая надоела святый господи прости.


Отпусти мне батюшка грехи знаю у меня их очень много

Выслушай прошу и помоги ведь хочу покаяться пред богом.

Не тая всю правду расскажу исповедь мою прошу послушай

На алтарь тебе я положу свою искалеченную душу.

На алтарь тебе я положу Свою искалеченную душу.

The song "Confession" by Mikhail Krug explores the theme of repentance and seeking forgiveness. The lyrical hero stands in an old church before a priest, ready to confess his sins. He recognizes the weight of his transgressions: "It is so easy to commit sins, but not so easy to atone for them." The hero does not hide the fact that he is not a saint, that he has made mistakes and strayed from the right path. He admits his human weakness: "Life has become unbearable, forgive me, holy God."

The image of a "wounded soul" that the hero is ready to lay on the altar conveys the depth of his emotional suffering and sincere desire for purification. The old church with the smell of wax creates an atmosphere of sacredness and the mystery of confession.

Despite the weight of his sins, the hero does not lose hope for forgiveness. He begs the priest: "Please listen and help me, for I want to repent before God." These lines express a plea for compassion and understanding.

Mikhail Krug's "Confession" is not just a religious song; it is a profound reflection on human nature and the struggle between good and evil within each of us. It reminds us that the path to redemption lies through sincere repentance and the pursuit of spiritual cleansing.

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