The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Katya" the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

Matchmakers visited her father, they agreed on the matter. So, on the Pokrov they'll wed, as decided with her father.

Daughter Katerina is all shining with happiness, can't wait for the day her beloved will come for her.

Katya, a beautiful maiden, counted the days till the wedding, and tenderly embroidered linen on a featherbed.

But for her misfortune, in a big Cossack fur coat, an opera singer arrived in the village, there for "dispossession".

He was young, handsome, insolent with the old folks, wore a leather jacket, loved to drink and chase girls.

He forgot about everything, couldn't take his eyes off Katerina. "I'll save you from dispossession, if I become your husband and son."

Her father didn't argue, it's best to live in peace with the authorities, he postponed the wedding, thought - nothing to regret.

On the Pokrov day they went, entered the house with the matchmakers. They led Katya to the opera singer, with tears in her eyes.

"Father, why did you trade me for Judas? I won't live with the opera singer, without my beloved."

And, having prayed, she took her own life. Plunged a sharp dagger into her heart, under her maiden's breast.

"Farewell, my love, it's wrong to live with the hateful. Mother will put this veil in the coffin with me."

They unwove the ribbon from her braids. Katya lies as if alive. From under the wedding crown, to the graveyard. It seems, such is her fate.

The opera singer exiled her father, left her beloved to rot in the camps, drank his fill of wine and moved into their house with another.

Сваты пришли к отцу, в деле сошлися вместе. Значит, в Покров - к венцу, так порешили с тестем.

Дочь Катерина вся прямо от счастья светит, ждет не дождется дня, когда милый за ней приедет.

Катя - красна дивчина, к свадьбе деньки считала и на пухову перину нежно белье вышивала.

Но на ее беду в бурке большой, казачьей въехал в деревню ту опер для раскулачки.

Молод он был, красив, со стариками дерзок, кожаный френч носил, выпить любил и девок.

Он ведь забыл про все, глаз не сводил с Катерины. От раскулачки спасем, коль буду вам мужем и сыном.

Спорить отец не стал, с властью бы жить в покое, свадьбу переиграл, думал - жалеть не стоит.

В день на Покров пошли, в избу вошли с кумачами. К оперу Катю вели с заплаканными очами.

Что же ты, батюшка, сменял меня на иуду? Без милого дружка с опером жить не буду.

И, помолившись в путь, жизни себя лишила. В сердце, под девичью грудь, острый кинжал вонзила.

Прощай же, любый мой, с постылым жить не гоже. Эту фату со мной матушка в гроб положит.

Выплели ленту с кос. Катя лежит, как живая. Из-под венца на погост. Значит, судьба такая.

Опер сослал отца, дружку сгноил в забое, вволю попил винца и въехал в их дом с другою.

The song "Katya" by Mikhail Krug tells a tragic story of love and betrayal against the backdrop of social upheaval.

Katya, a young and beautiful girl, is preparing for her wedding with her beloved. She is happy and looking forward to getting married. However, an operative arrives in their village to carry out the "Dekulakization" - a Soviet campaign of political repressions, which breaks the fate of Katya and her family.

The operative, young and daring, is fascinated by Katya's beauty and, taking advantage of his position, offers her father a deal: he will marry Katya, and the family will not be touched during the "Dekulakization." The father, fearing reprisals, agrees to this marriage, betraying the feelings of his daughter and her fiancé.

Katya cannot accept her father's betrayal and the forced marriage. On her wedding day, during the ceremony, she commits suicide by stabbing herself in the heart.

The song is filled with drama and tragedy. It reflects the tragic events of those years: dispossession, repression, and the destruction of lives. The author shows how easily people's destinies are broken under the yoke of power and circumstances. The death of Katya becomes a symbol of protest against injustice and cruelty.

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