The meaning of the lyrics of the song "When we met." (Kogda s toboy myi vstretilis) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

When we met with you, bird cherry blossomed and music was quietly playing in the park.

And I was still very young then, but I had already done a lot of things.

I was jumping around, and in the morning for you I was throwing flowers left and right.

And you loved me and often said: "Living a fancy life is worse than poison."

But the days became shorter, and the birds flew away to where only the sun smiles,

And with them my happiness flew away forever; I realized that it would never return.

One day you were standing in the square with a dandy; he was drunk, putting his arm around you.

He tried to kiss you, asked you to give in, and you nodded in response.

Everything inside me went cloudy, and my heart was pounding, and I, like a drunk dude, stumbled.

Then I don't remember how I got to the pub, I had a good time and drank vodka, and washed my face with drunken tears.

Then one night I stood in your way, recognizing me, you turned pale.

I asked him to step aside, and the steel of the knife flashed ominously.

I remember how the lanterns flickered in the square all night, and the cops whistled in the garden all night.

I wandered alone at the pier until dawn, and your eyes were looking at my back.

I decided to drown my short love in vodka, and I was afraid to steal, oddly enough.

But I got caught up in a stupid story, and somehow I was caught red-handed at a restaurant by a team of detectives.

I'm sitting in my cell, having scored five years, when this case suddenly came to light.

And then one morning my old lawyer said, "You can't avoid being shot."

And tomorrow I will be given my last sentence, and we will see each other again.

And in the morning they will take me to our prison yard, and there I will close my eyes forever.

Когда с тобой мы встретились, черёмуха цвела и в парке тихо музычка играла.

И было мне тогда ещё совсем немного лет, а дел наделать я успел немало.

Лепил я скок за скоком, а наутро для тебя бросал цветы налево и направо.

А ты меня любила и часто говорила: "Житьё блатное хуже, чем отрава".

Но дни короче стали, и птички улетали туда, где только солнышко смеётся,

А с ними моё счастье улетело навсегда; я понял, что оно уж не вернётся.

Однажды ты с форшмаком стояла на скверу; он был бухой, обняв тебя рукою.

Тянулся целоваться, просил тебя отдаться, а ты в ответ кивала головою.

Во мне всё помутилось, и сердце так забилось, и я, как пьяный фраер, зашатался.

Потом не помню, как попал в кабак, кутил и водку пил, и пьяными слезами умывался.

Потом однажды ночью я встал вам на пути, меня узнав, ты сильно побледнела.

Его я попросил в сторонку отойти, и сталь ножа зловеще заблестела.

Я помню, как всю ночь в скверу мерцали фонари, и мусора всю ночь в саду свистели.

Один я прошатался у причала до зари, а в спину мне глаза твои глядели.

Любовь свою короткую решил залить я водкою, а воровать боялся, как ни странно.

Но влип с историей глупою, и как-то опергруппою я взят был на бану у ресторана.

Сижу я в своей камере, заначил пятерых, когда внезапно вскрылось это дело.

И вот однажды утром мой защитничек-старик сказал: "Не миновать тебе расстрела".

А завтра мне зачтётся мой последний приговор, и снова мы увидимся с тобою.

А утром отведут меня на наш тюремный двор, и там глаза навеки я закрою.

The song "When we met" by Mikhail Krug tells a tragic story of love, crime, and punishment. The lyrical hero recalls the beginning of his relationship with his beloved, described as a carefree and happy time. He is young and commits reckless acts, as if seeking adventure, and she, although criticizing his "thug" lifestyle, continues to love him.

However, the idyll collapses when another man appears in the heroine's life. The lyrical hero experiences intense jealousy and pain, seeing his beloved leave for another. Overwhelmed by grief and despair, he seeks solace in alcohol and casual relationships. The climax is the scene of a fight, where the hero, unable to cope with his emotions, commits the murder of a rival.

The consequences of the crime are not long in coming: the hero is arrested and sentenced to death. In prison, he analyzes his actions, realizing that fatal passion and the inability to cope with jealousy led him to a tragic end. The finale of the song sounds the motif of the inevitability of death and the desire to see his beloved one last time.

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