The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Blind and deaf to everything" (Ko vsemu slep i gluh) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

Blind and deaf to it all, I roam through Kalinin, flicking a cigarette butt at the 'Pravda' wall.

Suddenly a whistle – they stop me like a drunkard, hustle and bustle, I hide a three-ruble note in my cap.

My life is young, twenty years – nonsense, like the 'tick-tock' on a taxi driver's meter.

Done my share of deeds, from one department to another, and the 'children' column isn't clean either.

Captain Ivanov knows what I'm about, not the surname that matters, but the rank.

He waved the report, I scribbled my signature, took off my hat and said, 'Goodbye.'

As I predicted, sold the loot on Wednesday, but the cash only lasted for the evening.

Tied up all the loose ends and hailed a taxi, the meter ticking 'tick-tock' till we meet again.

Ко всему слеп и глух, по Калинину брожу и на "Правде" в стену тыкаю бычок.

Вдруг свисток — стопорят, как синюху, волочат, шухер-махер, прячу в кепку троячок.

Жизнь моя молода, двадцать лет — ерунда, как на счётчике "тик-так" у таксиста.

Понаделано дел, из отдела в отдел, и в графе "дети" тоже не чисто.

Знает, кто я таков, капитан Иванов, не фамилия важно, а званье.

Протокольчик махнул, роспись я черканул, шляпу снял и сказал: "До свиданья".

Я как предугадал, шпалер в среду продал, а башлей лишь хватило на вечер.

Все хвосты обрубил и в такси укатил, счётчик тикал "тик-так" мне до встречи.

The song "Deaf and blind to everything" by Mikhail Krug portrays a lyrical hero – a young man living in constant motion and violation of the law. The text is filled with criminal slang and references to the realities of Soviet times, which creates a special atmosphere and helps to reveal the image of the hero.

From the very first lines ("Deaf and blind to everything, I wander around Kalinin Street and stick my cigarette butt into the wall on Pravda Street"), we see a hero who wanders aimlessly through the streets (Kalinin Street is most likely a reference to the name of the Soviet leader), not paying attention to the world around him ("deaf and blind"). "Sticking a cigarette butt into the wall" is a slang expression meaning to idle.

Suddenly, the hero is detained by the police ("whistle - they stop"). "Sinyuha" is a slang term for a person prone to petty offenses. "Shukher-macher" is a commotion, a search. "Troyak" is three rubles, a bribe that the hero is trying to give to the police.

However, the hero is not discouraged. He is young ("twenty years is nothing"), his life is like the frantic rhythm of a taxi ("taxi meter 'tick-tock'"), he is constantly on the move ("from one department to another"). The phrase "things are not clean in the 'children' column" hints at problems with the law, perhaps criminal prosecution under an article related to minors.

Next, we learn that the hero is familiar with the police ("Captain Ivanov knows who I am"). Rank is more important than the last name ("it's not the last name that matters, but the rank") - this indicates a certain position of the hero in the criminal world. The description of the release from the police ("He waved the report, I signed it, took off my hat and said: 'Goodbye'") is deliberately simplified and ironic.

The finale of the song demonstrates the cyclical nature of the hero's lifestyle. He "foresaw" the arrest, sold the stolen goods in advance ("wallpaper"), and spent the money on fun ("the money was enough for the evening"). "Cut off the tails" - got rid of the evidence. The hero is back in the taxi, the counter of which counts down the time until the next meeting with the police ("the counter ticked 'tick-tock' see you later").

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