The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Beauty" (Krasavica) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

No one lingers by the flower stall, everyone's in a hurry, oblivious to the beauty.

The saleswoman smokes a 'Prima', wrapped in a coat, drinks beer, and silently stares at the flowers.

With pain, somewhere deep inside, nights and days flash by, heroin has stooped her thin shoulders.

And now a 'khachik' from Oni is hitting on her, they smoke 'weed', but this won't heal the memory.


She was once the greatest beauty, her deep eyes were like an abyss,

And when she glided down the street in her heels, even the thugs lost their nerve.

And when she glided down the street in her heels, even the thugs lost their nerve.

Memory remembers, whether for joy or maybe for sorrow, at sunrise a nightingale sang to her.

And the moon wouldn't set, and flowers bloomed in the garden, for they flourished only for her.

And now, in an empty apartment, where strangers feel like family, she'll try to sleep without undressing,

For in her dreams, a boy plays the guitar about love, to a young girl she can never bring back.


To a young girl, who was once the greatest beauty, her deep eyes were like an abyss,

And when she glided down the street with her friends, even the thugs lost their nerve.

And when she glided down the street in her heels, even the thugs lost their nerve.

У цветочного киоска не задержится никто все спешат, не замечая красоты.

Продавщица курит "Приму" и, закутавшись в пальто, пиво пьёт и молча смотрит на цветы.

С болью где-то там, в сознании пролетают ночи, дни и ссутулил героин худые плечи

И теперь к ней в кавалеры лезет "хачик" из Они курят "план", а это память не излечит.


Что, когда-то она первою красавицей была омут глаз её не ведал глубины

И когда она по улице на туфельках плыла пропадала смелость даже у шпаны.

И когда она по улице на туфельках плыла пропадала смелость даже у шпаны.

Помнит память, как на счастье, ну а, может, на беду на восходе солнца пел ей соловей

И луна не заходила и цвели цветы в саду ведь они благоухали только ей.

А теперь в пустой квартире, где чужие, как свои, не раздевшись, постарается заснуть,

Ведь во сне играет парень на гитаре о любви юной девочке, которой не вернуть.


Юной девочке, что первою красавицей была, омут глаз её, не ведал глубины

И когда она по улице c подружками плыла пропадала смелость даже у шпаны.

И когда она по улице на туфельках плыла пропадала смелость даже у шпаны.

Mikhail Krug's song "Beauty" tells the tragic story of a girl whose life went downhill due to drug addiction.

From the very first lines, we see the heroine, who has lost her former attractiveness, working in a flower kiosk. She is surrounded by beauty but does not notice it herself, immersed in her thoughts about the past and present, full of pain and despair. The phrase "heroin stooped her thin shoulders" leaves no doubt about the reason for her downfall.

The chorus of the song takes us back to the past, where the heroine is the first beauty, attracting glances and making hearts tremble. The image of "floating on shoes" emphasizes her lightness, youth, and carelessness. The contrast between past and present creates a sense of hopelessness and tragedy.

The second verse brings us back to the reality of the heroine. She lives in an apartment where she is not welcome, and the only consolation is memories of a happy past, where true love awaited her, symbolized by a singing nightingale, a moon that does not set, and a fragrant garden. Night brings oblivion in the form of a dream, where the heroine is again young and loved.

The repeating chorus at the end of the song sounds like a bitter reminder of what was and what can no longer be returned. Mikhail Krug's song is not just a story about the fall of a beautiful woman, it is a warning about how easy it is to destroy your life by succumbing to addictions.

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