The meaning of the lyrics of the song "When you are far away" (Kogda tyi daleko) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

I wait for you when you're away, forgetting hurts day after day.

You see in letters how I miss you, and realize what it means to be together.

And somewhere there, when evening comes, tear-stained, wet with tears,

You mentally run towards me, with a bouquet of roses, beautiful as April.


How I want to be with you, I love you so much when you're far away.

And on a lonely evening, suddenly, the sadness of the soul will descend upon our shoulders, when you are far away.

And on a lonely evening, suddenly, the sadness of the soul will descend upon our shoulders, when you are far away.

And I want to be with you through the sleepless night, as if I'm waiting for the last call.

When you are far away - you are very close, but for some reason, you are distant when you're near.


How I want to be with you, I love you so much when you're far away.

And on a lonely evening, suddenly, the sadness of the soul will descend upon our shoulders, when you are far away.

And on a lonely evening, suddenly, the sadness of the soul will descend upon our shoulders, when you are far away.

How I want to be with you, I love you so much when you're far away.

And on a lonely evening, suddenly, the sadness of the soul will descend upon our shoulders, when you are far away.

And on a lonely evening, suddenly, the sadness of the soul will descend upon our shoulders, when you are far away.

My love, when you are far away. My love, when you are far away. My love, when you are far away.

Я жду тебя, когда ты уезжаешь, обиды забывая день за днем.

А ты по письмам видишь, как скучаю и сознаю, что значит быть вдвоем.

А где-то там, когда приходит вечер, заплаканная, мокрая от слез,

Ты мысленно бежишь ко мне навстречу с красивым, как апрель, букетом роз.


Как хочется к тебе, я так люблю тебя, когда ты далеко.

И одиноким вечером вдруг спустится на плечи нам печаль души, когда ты далеко.

И одиноким вечером вдруг спустится на плечи нам печаль души, когда ты далеко.

И я к тебе хочу бессонной ночью, как будто жду последнего звонка.

Когда ты далеко - ты близко очень, а рядом почему-то далека.


Как хочется к тебе, я так люблю тебя, когда ты далеко.

И одиноким вечером вдруг спустится на плечи нам печаль души, когда ты далеко.

И одиноким вечером вдруг спустится на плечи нам печаль души, когда ты далеко.

Как хочется к тебе, я так люблю тебя, когда ты далеко.

И одиноким вечером вдруг спустится на плечи нам печаль души, когда ты далеко.

И одиноким вечером вдруг спустится на плечи нам печаль души, когда ты далеко.

Моя любовь, когда ты далеко. Моя любовь, когда ты далеко. Моя любовь, когда ты далеко.

Mikhail Krug's song "When You Are Far Away" is a touching confession of a lyrical hero yearning for his beloved, who is far away. The lyrics reveal the duality of feelings and emotions associated with separation.

On the one hand, the hero values the moments of separation because it is at this time that he feels his love and longing particularly acutely. Away from his beloved, he forgets his grudges, eagerly awaits news from her, and dreams of meeting her. He imagines how she, being far away, also misses him and strives to be with him.

On the other hand, separation brings the hero unbearable pain and a sense of loneliness. The evenings seem endless, and the sadness becomes almost tangible. He feels the paradox: his beloved is close to his heart, but physically distant, and this causes him suffering.

The repeating chorus intensifies the emotional tension and emphasizes the main idea of the song: love and longing are amplified by distance. The final lines – "My love, when you are far away" – sound like a bitter confession that it is separation that makes feelings especially strong and valuable.

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