The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Red pockets" (Krasnyie karmanyi) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

Don't drink vodka, Liza, everything will be alright, it will get better. Believe me, this is how married life begins.

You yourself, when you were young, hung out with hooligans, in your short skirt with red pockets.

So, Lizok, put on that skirt, let's go to the woods, to the raspberry bushes.

Look, Lizok, what a beautiful day! You're young, you can't tell by your age!

Let your business-trip husband suffer in jealousy! Liza is spoiled, Liza wants tenderness,

He calls her "little paw", Liza, enough is enough! I'm walking around the room in her husband's slippers.

So, Lizok, I fall at your feet, taking off my husband's slippers, crushing his pillows.

I've only been in your life for five minutes, but I'll never forget your freckles!

Your dear husband will come back, and he'll be left in the dark. And the ficus on the windowsill will blab,

It will tell everything colorfully, who you slept with and had fun with. My God! In Durasheno, all husbands are crazy.

Oh-oh, Lizok, your hubby will forgive everything! Someone like you, it's impossible not to forgive everything!

When I leave your doorstep in the morning, you'll be drinking vodka in anticipation.

Liza, lie down, get some sleep, I mean - you're drunk! Oh, your troublesome little skirt with pockets.

To put it simply - what the ficuses know - the fools around here should know like the back of their hand!

Ah, where are you, my beautiful years, where am I in the photo with Lizka, arm in arm?!

They've completely melted away, like smoke, forever... Now I'm a general, back then I was a lieutenant!

Не пей, Лиза, водочку, все пройдет, поправится. Верь мне, жизнь замужняя так и начинается.

Ты ж сама молоденькой шлялась с хулиганами в юбочке коротенькой с красными карманами.

Так вот, Лизок, ту юбочку надень, пойдем в лесок к малиновым кустам.

Смотри, Лизок, какой прекрасный день! Ты молода, не скажешь, по годам!

Пусть командированный муж страдает в ревности! Лиза избалована, Лиза хочет нежности,

Называет лапочкой, Лиза, хватит, полно те! В ее мужа тапочках я хожу по комнате.

Так вот, Лизок, я падаю к тебе, сняв мужа тапки, смяв его подушки.

Лишь пять минут я был в твоей судьбе, но не забуду век твои веснушки!

Муж приедет родненький, в дураках останется. А на подоконнике фикус проболтается,

Все расскажет красочно, с кем спала и тешилась. Боже мой! В Дурашеве все мужья помешаны.

Ой-ой, Лизок, простит все муженек! Такой как ты, нельзя все не простить!

Когда покину утром твой порог, ты будешь водку в ожиданьи пить.

Лиза, ляг, поспи немного, в смысле - ты же пьяная! Ой, твоя бедовая юбочка с карманами.

Выражаясь попросту - то что знают фикусы - дуракам по области знать как накось-выкуси!

Ах, где же вы, мои красивые года, где я на фото с Лизкою под ручку?!

Растаяли совсем, как дымка, навсегда... Сейчас я генерал, тогда я был поручик!

The song "Red Pockets" by Mikhail Krug tells the story from the perspective of a man seducing a married woman named Liza. The lyrics are imbued with irony and dark humor, mocking the mores of provincial life.

From the very first lines, the protagonist addresses Liza in a condescending tone, promising that everything will be alright, because "married life always starts this way." He hints at her frivolous past ("you used to hang out with hooligans in a short skirt with red pockets"), using it as a tool for seduction. The image of "red pockets" becomes a symbol of availability and promiscuity.

The protagonist cynically takes advantage of Liza's husband's absence, urging her to forget about him ("Let the business-trip husband suffer in jealousy!"). He ridicules the husband's naivety and pettiness ("I walk around the room in her husband's slippers"), emphasizing his own power over the situation.

The culmination of the song is the scene of adultery, described with mockery and without a shred of remorse. The protagonist taunts Liza, calling her "spoiled" and ridiculing her desires ("Liza wants tenderness").

The ending of the song is permeated with bitter irony. The protagonist is sure that the husband will forgive the betrayal ("You can't not forgive someone like you!"), predicting for Liza the fate of an unhappy wife, drowning her grief in vodka. In the last lines, he reminisces about his youth, comparing himself to a "general," which emphasizes his current power and cynicism.

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