The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Swans" (Lebedi) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

You remind me of a dream, how it all used to be, white swan feathers above my Russia,

For angels have white, white wings - how similar they are to the wings of swans.

I have never once heard the silence of songs, and it is quieter than eternity, larger than the Earth.

We will cross ourselves, and Christ will rise again, how beautifully these candles have been lit for us.


That's how the snow falls, that's how the leaves swirl, so quietly - just listen,

And in that silence, you will hear the words, they will sink into your soul.

Perhaps, like in childhood, dreaming of the stars, and they fly in our sleep, returning home,

So too does our love fly away and melt, only swan feathers circling above the Earth.


That's how the snow falls, that's how the leaves swirl, so quietly - just listen,

And in that silence, you will hear the words, they will sink into your soul.

Ты напомни мне сон, как всё это было белый пух лебедей над Россией моей,

Ведь у ангелов белые, белые крылья - как похожи они на крыла лебедей.

Я ни разу не слышал молчание песен, а оно тише вечности, больше земли.

Перекрестимся мы, и Христосе воскреси, как красиво для нас эти свечи зажглись.


Так падает снег, так кружится листва, так тихо - ты только послушай,

И в той тиши, ты услышишь слова, они западут в твою душу.

Так наверное в детстве, о звёздах мечтая, и летают во сне, возвращаясь домой,

Так и наша любовь улетает и тает, только пух лебединый кружит над землёй.


Так падает снег, так кружится листва, так тихо - ты только послушай,

И в той тиши, ты услышишь слова, они западут в твою душу.

In the song "Swans," Mikhail Krug uses imagery of white swans, angel wings, silence, candles, and falling snow to convey deep feelings of love for his homeland, faith, and the fragility of human life.

The image of swans soaring over Russia symbolizes the freedom, beauty, and grandeur of his homeland. The white color of their plumage is associated with purity, innocence, and spirituality, linking the image of swans to angels and their snow-white wings.

The silence mentioned in the song is not just the absence of sound, but a special state of mind, a connection with eternity and something greater than earthly life. This state is emphasized by the image of burning candles, which are traditionally symbols of faith, hope, and memory.

Falling snow and swirling leaves create an atmosphere of light sadness, reminiscent of the transience of time and the inevitability of change. In this atmosphere, a special silence is born, in which one can hear important words that touch the soul.

Swan down swirling above the ground symbolizes the memory of departed love, which, like swans, flies away into the heavens. This image conveys both a bright sadness at the loss and a belief that love continues to live in memory and in the heart.

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