The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Crosses" (Krestyi) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

It's a dream. It's the St. Petersburg night, white as a veil,

And the Neva gently rolls waves onto the granite stones,

And a white angel, who fled from the First Throne, soars,

And my silver cross, a gift from my mother, gleams on my neck.


The bridges are drawn, the roads are parted.

These are crosses, these are crosses, these are crosses and separation for many.

These are crosses, these are crosses, this is fate and separation for many.

A breeze, escaped from the crosses, will hum a prisoner's song,

And the Imperial spire will wind it around itself like a sentence.

And a dove, like a brooch on a veil, spins and tumbles in flight,

It carries a letter to Arbat, from the crosses, for a distant beloved.


The bridges are drawn, the roads are parted.

These are crosses, these are crosses, these are crosses and separation for many.

These are crosses, these are crosses, this is fate and separation for many.

The bridges are drawn, the roads are parted.

These are crosses, these are crosses, these are crosses and separation for many.

These are crosses, these are crosses, this is fate and separation for many.

Это сон. Это белая словно фата Петербуржская ночь

И Нева мягко волны накатывает на гранитные камни

И парит белый ангел от Первопрестольной умчавшийся прочь

И блестит мой серебряный крестик на шее подарок от мамы.


Разведены мосты, разведены дороги.

Это кресты, это кресты, это кресты и разлука для многих.

Это кресты, это кресты, это судьба и разлука для многих.

Напоёт арестантскую песню сбежавший с крестов ветерок

И его намотает как срок на себя Императорский Флюгер.

И кружит на лету кувыркаясь, как брошь на фате голубок

Он несёт письмецо на Арбат и с крестов для далёкой подруги.


Разведены мосты, разведены дороги.

Это кресты, это кресты, это кресты и разлука для многих.

Это кресты, это кресты, это судьба и разлука для многих.

Разведены мосты, разведены дороги.

Это кресты, это кресты, это кресты и разлука для многих.

Это кресты, это кресты, это судьба и разлука для многих.

In Mikhail Krug's song "Kresty" ("Crosses"), the author creates an image of St. Petersburg imbued with melancholy and longing. "The St. Petersburg night, white as a bridal veil," and "the Neva gently rolling waves onto the granite stones" create an atmosphere of romance, but at the same time, a certain detachment and sadness. The image of a "white angel who flew away from the First Throne" hints at loss, perhaps exile or the lyrical hero's escape from Moscow.

The silver cross, a gift from his mother, becomes a symbol of faith and hope for the hero in this uncertain world. It is like a talisman that connects him with the past, with his home.

The chorus of the song, repeating throughout the composition, brings the main symbol to the forefront - "crosses". Here, the image of the drawn bridges of Petersburg is intertwined with the metaphorical meaning of the cross as a symbol of a difficult fate, separation, and even death. "Bridges are drawn, roads are drawn" is not only a description of the night city but also a metaphor for broken ties, the inability to be close to loved ones.

The image of the "breeze that escaped from the crosses," humming a "prisoner's song," further enhances the atmosphere of hopelessness and longing. The breeze, like a messenger from the world of prisoners, carries with it pain and suffering. It is "wound" around the spire of the Admiralty - a symbol of imperial power - like a "term" on a prisoner, which emphasizes the inevitability of fate and the impossibility of escaping punishment.

The "dove" circling against the background of the "veil" of the Petersburg sky becomes a symbol of love and hope. It carries a "letter to Arbat" - a message from the lyrical hero to his "distant girlfriend," which suggests that even in the most difficult life circumstances, love and faith can help maintain a connection with loved ones.

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