The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Cupolas" (Kupola) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

A government house before me, and the central prison.

Not a penny in my pocket, and a long road ahead.

Fog fell over the precipice, the horses picked up their pace,

I'd down a shot right now, if someone would pour it for me.

At night, not a soul in the church, wolves howl in the field,

And under the execution article, graves are dug quickly.

What was I missing, now everything's in place,

I had the ace of diamonds on my back, now the ace of clubs is at my feet.


Golden domes delight my soul,

And that's not rain, that's not rain - tears are falling from the sky,

Golden domes are tattooed on my chest,

But they're blue, and there's no trace of gold. And there's no trace of gold.

Over the precipice, on the edge, fear grips my heart,

Who will reshape my vagabond life?

Who will offer me a drink, who will extinguish the candle,

Who will forgive, who will understand, and who will cry for me.


Golden domes delight my soul,

And that's not rain, that's not rain - tears are falling from the sky,

Golden domes are tattooed on my chest,

But they're blue, and there's no trace of gold. And there's no trace of gold.

Golden domes delight my soul,

And that's not rain, that's not rain - tears are falling from the sky,

Golden domes are tattooed on my chest,

But they're blue, and there's no trace of gold. And there's no trace of gold.

And there's no trace of gold. And there's no trace of gold. And there's no trace of gold.

And there's no trace of gold. And there's no trace of gold. And there's no trace of gold.

Дом казённый предо мной да тюрьма центральная.

Не копейки за душой да дорога дальняя.

Над обрывом пал туман, кони ход прибавили,

Я б махнул сейчас стакан, если б мне поставили.

Ночью в церкви ни души, волки в поле воют,

А под расстрельную статью ямы быстро роют.

Что же не хватало мне, всё теперь на месте,

Был туз бубновый на спине, а стал в ногах туз крести.


Золотые купола душу мою радуют,

А то не дождь, а то не дождь - слёзы с неба капают,

Золотые купола на груди наколоты,

Только синие они и ни крапа золота. И ни крапа золота.

Над обрывом на краю сердце дрожь охватит,

Жизнь босяцкую мою кто переиначит?

Кто стакан мне поднесёт, кто свечу погасит,

Кто простит и кто поймёт и кто по мне заплачет.


Золотые купола душу мою радуют,

А то не дождь, а то не дождь - слёзы с неба капают,

Золотые купола на груди наколоты,

Только синие они и ни крапа золота. И ни крапа золота.

Золотые купола душу мою радуют,

А то не дождь, а то не дождь - слёзы с неба капают,

Золотые купола на груди наколоты,

Только синие они и ни крапа золота. И ни крапа золота.

И ни крапа золота. И ни крапа золота. И ни крапа золота.

И ни крапа золота. И ни крапа золота. И ни крапа золота.

The song "Cupolas" by Mikhail Krug tells the story of a man who has hit rock bottom. The lyrical hero is on the verge of imprisonment, as indicated by the lines "The state house is in front of me, and the central prison," he has no money ("Not a penny to my name"), and no hope for a better future. The sense of doom is emphasized by the image of the "long road" - a road to nowhere.

The atmosphere of despair is heightened by the grim pictures of the night: an empty church, wolves howling in the field, graves being "quickly dug" - presumably, graves. The phrase "And under the execution article, graves are being dug quickly" makes it clear that the hero is facing the death penalty.

In the past, the hero was lucky ("There was an ace of diamonds on my back"), possibly involved in the criminal world. Now, however, luck has turned its back on him ("and an ace of clubs is at my feet"), and he is on the verge of death.

The only thing that consoles the hero is the sight of the "golden cupolas," symbolizing faith, hope, and spirituality. They "gladden the soul," reminding us that even in the darkest of times, there is a place for something bright. The tears from the sky, "either rain or not rain," are a metaphor for the suffering and grief experienced by the hero.

"Golden cupolas are tattooed on my chest" - these are most likely prison tattoos, which had a special meaning in the criminal world. The "blue" cupolas without "a touch of gold" are a symbol of lost freedom and unfulfilled hopes. They are a reminder of the past and what the hero has lost.

In the final verses, the hero asks questions addressed, perhaps, to God or fate: who will change his life, who will support him in difficult times, who will forgive and understand. These questions remain unanswered, emphasizing the tragedy of the situation and the loneliness of the hero.

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