The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The suit of clubs" (Mast krestovaya) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

The Clubs lay on the line, smoke from Bulgarian cigarettes hung in the air.

I should say stop, but I'll take one more, definitely too much, no doubt.

Fluffy snow was falling in Tver that day, covering the domes of churches.

Twenty years have passed since then, twenty years since you stopped waiting for me.

How much sorrow love brought me, how much pain

How much happiness I lost with love, couldn't save

Years passed, and it was just as hard, not easy

But I just didn't understand it at all.

And the autumn leaves were falling, and that feeling of emptiness in my soul

And all those words you've forgotten, and what can't be brought back.

I loved you when I was seventeen, so much

And I didn't know the three of clubs would be dealt, who could have known

And you haven't had faith since then, absolutely none

And youth can't be regained.

But I love tea in a train compartment and the sound of wheels - clickety-clack, clickety-clack

And girls' affection in different cities - oh yeah, oh yeah

Bouquets of roses from ladies at concerts - and a kiss

And my mom, always waiting for me.

But I love tea in a train compartment and the sound of wheels - clickety-clack, clickety-clack

And girls' affection in different cities - oh yeah, oh yeah

Bouquets of roses from ladies at concerts - and a kiss

And my mom, always waiting for me.

Масть крестовая ложилась на кону и стоял дымок болгарских сигарет.

Надо стоп сказать, а я ещё одну и конечно перебор, сомнений нет.

А валил тогда в Твери пушистый снег и укутывал на церквях купалах.

Еще двадцать лет продлился этот век с той поры как ты меня не дождалась.

Сколько горя мне с любовью принесло – сколько бед

Сколько счастья я с любовью потерял – не сберёг

Шли года, и было так же тяжело – не легко

Да только, что это никак не понимал.

А это падала осенняя листва, а это чувство пустоты в моей душе

А это все тобой забытые слова, а это то, что не воротится уже.

Я любил тебя в свои семнадцать лет – так любил

И не знал, что трефа выпадет в кону – а кто бы знал

А тебе веры с той поры в помине нет – точно нет

Да и молодость обратно не вернуть.

А я люблю чаёк в купе и стук колес – стук, стук, стук

И девчоночью взаимность в городах – ай, яй, яй

На концертах от мадам букеты роз – и поцелуй

И мамулю мою ждущую всегда.

А я люблю чаёк в купе и стук колес – стук, стук, стук

И девчоночью взаимность в городах – ай, яй, яй

На концертах от мадам букеты роз – и поцелуй

И мамулю мою ждущую всегда.

The song "The Cross Suit" by Mikhail Krug tells a story about love, loss, and acceptance.

The opening lines: "The cross suit fell on the line, and the smoke of Bulgarian cigarettes hung in the air. I should say stop, but I'll take another one, definitely overdoing it, no doubt" - immerse us in an atmosphere of gambling and risk, where the hero is on the edge. This could be a metaphor for his life journey, where the stakes are high.

The image of fluffy snow and churches refers to the past, to the moment of losing his beloved: "And the fluffy snow was falling in Tver then, covering the domes of the churches. Twenty years have passed since then, since you didn't wait for me." Here we feel the tenderness of memories and the bitterness of loss.

Next comes the hero's reflection on the past: "How much grief love brought me - so much sorrow... Years passed, and it was just as hard." He realizes how much pain this love has caused him, but at the same time admits that he couldn't do anything about it: "But I just didn't understand it then."

Fallen autumn leaves and a feeling of emptiness are vivid images of departed love, and "forgotten words" and "what cannot be returned" are symbols of the irreversibility of the past.

Despite the pain, the hero is not broken: "I loved you when I was seventeen - I loved you so much... And you haven't had any faith since then - definitely not. And you can't bring back youth." He accepts the loss and finds joy in simple things: "And I love tea in a train compartment and the sound of wheels, and girlish affection in the cities... At concerts, bouquets of roses from ladies - and a kiss. And my mom, always waiting for me."

The repetition of the last lines emphasizes that the hero has found a new meaning in life, where there is a place for love, recognition, and the warmth of his mother's love.

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