The meaning of the lyrics of the song "My sweet bunny." (Milaya zayka moya) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

When I close my eyes, I remember how it all was,

How I loved you tenderly and how we parted in tears.

I believed your every word, you could say them so gently.

I wasn't ready to say goodbye, all I could do was remain silent.


My beloved, my sweet bunny, my good, kind fairy...

And suddenly - emptiness: neither you nor I...

I cry, I regret it so much.

I'll walk down the forgotten alleys, here, darling, you held me close,

The wind ruffled my hair and then scattered it across my shoulders.

You divided so much tenderness, happiness, and sorrow into equal parts.

But your whisper, the azure sea, I won't give to anyone in my dreams.


My beloved, my sweet bunny, my good, kind fairy...

And suddenly - emptiness: neither you nor I...

I cry, I regret it so much.

Fate unfolded differently; another brings me flowers...

But I am not happy with another - I close my eyes and see you.

The same as before, beloved, the same as before, dear,

The one and only, unique, but just a little bit someone else's...


My beloved, my sweet bunny, my good, kind fairy...

And suddenly - emptiness: neither you nor I...

I cry, I regret it so much. I cry, I regret it so much.

Я помню, как всё это было, когда закрываю глаза,

Как я тебя нежно любила и как расставалась в слезах.

Я верила каждому слову — ты мог их так нежно сказать.

К разлуке была не готова — в ответ лишь могла промолчать.


Любимая, милая зайка моя, хорошая, добрая фея...

И вдруг — пустота: и не ты, и не я...

Я плачу, я очень жалею.

Я пройду по забытым аллеям, здесь, милый, меня ты обнял,

Мои волосы ветер развеял и потом по плечам разбросал.

Сколько нежности, счастья и горя разделил ты по равным частям.

Но твой шепот — лазурное море — в моих снах никому не отдам.


Любимая, милая зайка моя, хорошая, добрая фея...

И вдруг — пустота: и не ты, и не я...

Я плачу, я очень жалею.

Сложилась судьба по-иному; другой мне приносит цветы...

Я только не рада другому — закрою глаза, вижу — ты.

Такой же, как раньше, любимый, такой же, как прежде, родной,

Единственный, неповторимый, но только немного чужой...


Любимая, милая зайка моя, хорошая, добрая фея...

И вдруг — пустота: и не ты, и не я...

Я плачу, я очень жалею. Я плачу, я очень жалею.

Mikhail Krug's song "My Dear Bunny" tells a tragic story of love and separation. The lyrical heroine bitterly recalls the happy moments of the relationship, the tender words of her beloved, which she unconditionally believed. The separation came as a sudden and painful blow to her, leaving behind only emptiness and regret.

The image of a "bunny" and a "good fairy" emphasizes the touching and innocent nature of their love, and the suddenness of the separation ("And suddenly - emptiness: neither you nor I...") enhances the drama of the situation.

Despite the fact that fate has separated them, and the heroine has another man, she cannot forget her past love. Memories of past feelings, of tenderness and passion ("your whisper is an azure sea") continue to live in her heart, making it impossible to have full happiness with another.

The chorus of the song, repeated throughout the text, emphasizes the irrepressible pain and longing for lost love. The heroine grieves over the past, regretting that everything turned out the way it did.

The use of contrasting images, such as "tenderness and grief," "happiness and sorrow," "whisper" and "azure sea," creates a vivid and emotional picture of the heroine's inner world, torn apart by conflicting feelings. The song evokes a feeling of deep empathy for the heroine and leaves a lingering sadness in the listener's heart.

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