The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Dream of marriage" (Mechta o zamujestve) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

How lovely it would be to marry a handsome man, who'd gently suggest we go to the registry office.

I'd walk with him, gazing into shop windows, just to make Zhanka Kulikova burst with envy.

Girls, I want to get married, even if it's to a handsome taxi driver.

Oh, hold me back, oh, I might scream, I don't need some city slicker. (Even if he's from Kalinin Street!)

I dream of crowds of grooms by the registry office, crying: 'Valya, Valentina', — singing and dancing for me,

I walk among them, choosing: those who don't make the cut can go shoot themselves. There's Mishka, Kolka, Igor, and even Boyarsky, just like in the movies.

Oh, girls, then I wake up, and there's no one — time to get ready for work.

But I want to get married, that's all I want, I just need to get to the registry office — and then somehow it'll all work out.

Go figure, but a girl wants no less, a girl wants it all, — but even a little something will do.

As long as he's taller than Vit'ka, Zhanka Kulikova's Vit'ka, otherwise she'll laugh herself into convulsions.

Oh, girls, I'm more than ready, why don't the guys see it,

While the guys are buying wine at the store — two liters of 'gniluska' each. And here I sit, all alone.

And I want to get married, I want to get married, I want to get married...

Как приятно выйти замуж за красивого мужчину, чтобы с тоном деликатным предложил мне в ЗАГС идти.

Я бы шла с ним и смотрелась в магазинные витрины, чтобы Жанка Куликова лопнула от зависти.

Девочки, а я замуж хочу, и таксист пусть будет симпатичный.

Ой, держите меня, ой, а то закричу, мне ж не нужен какой-то столичный. (Хоть с Калинина, что ли!)

Сплю и вижу, как у ЗАГСа женихи толпой грудятся, плачут: "Валя, Валентина", — и поют и пляшут мне,

Я хожу и выбираю: кто отпал — идут стреляться. Там и Мишка, Колька, Игорь, и Боярский, как в "кине".

Ой, девочки, а проснусь, ни кого — на работу пора собираться.

А я замуж хочу — лишь и только всего, мне бы только до ЗАГСа добраться — а там уж как-нибудь.

Вот и делай тут, как хочешь, а ведь хочется не меньше, а ведь хочется большого, — но и маленький пойдёт.

Лишь бы ростом больше Витьки, Витьки Жанки Куликовой, а не то она, конечно, до конвульсий засмеёт.

Ой, девушки, я ж созрела давно, почему же не видят ребята,

А ребята берут в магазинах вино — по два литра "гнилушки" на брата. А я сижу одна.

А я замуж хочу, а замуж хочу, а я хочу замуж...

The lyrics of Mikhail Krug's song "Dream of Marriage" are a humorous sketch on the theme of girlish dreams of a wedding. The heroine of the song, a simple girl, dreams of a handsome and pleasant husband who will propose to her. She imagines how she will proudly walk with him past the shops, arousing the envy of her acquaintance Zhanka Kulikova.

In her dreams, the girl sees herself surrounded by a crowd of suitors who are ready for anything for her attention. The image of the suitors is collective: "Mishka, Kolka, Igor" are simple guys, and "Boyarsky, like in the 'movies'" adds humor and refers to a popular actor who embodies the image of a romantic hero.

However, the reality turns out to be far from dreams: the heroine wakes up, goes to work and realizes that no one is calling her to marry yet. The phrase "What can you do, you want no less, you want a lot, but a small one will do" emphasizes the dreaminess and some simplicity of the girl who is ready to lower the bar of her requirements.

The main thing for the heroine is to get married. Even the future husband of Zhanka Kulikova, Vitka, who, apparently, is not very tall, could become her chosen one, just not to be left alone.

The final lines of the song "And the guys buy wine in stores - two liters of 'rotgut' per brother. And I sit alone. And I want to get married, and I want to get married, and I want to get married ..." emphasize the contrast between dreams and reality. The guys are busy with their own affairs, and the heroine is left alone with her dreams of marriage.

The song "Dream of Marriage" is a light and ironic sketch that humorously shows typical girlish dreams of a wedding and a simple desire to find your happiness.

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