The meaning of the lyrics of the song "I don't understand you." (Mne tebya ne ponyat) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

I can't understand you, and it shows how lonely I am, even when I'm with you.

And it's so hard for me, and hurts so much, that you couldn't give me warmth and peace.

I can't understand you - that's strange news, I'm enchanted by you and I don't see the path,

The path that weightlessness will lead us on, the path we have no hope of traversing.

The plea "Don't go!" won't fix anything, and as you say goodbye to me, forgive all the hurts.

I won't forget you, God won't leave you, everything has passed, flown away, only sadness remains.

I can't understand you, and how foolish the questions are, why fate separated us from you.

I only remember everything: happiness, bitter tears, and how sleep carried away the silence and peace.

May God keep you, may God keep you and your guardian angel, but I believe in the dream that someday again

I will open that door to the golden abode, where there is peace of mind, silence and love...

I will open that door to the golden abode, where there is peace of mind, silence and love...

Мне тебя не понять и по мне это видно, что я так одинок, даже рядом с тобой.

И мне так нелегко и до боли обидно, что же ты не смогла дать тепло и покой?

Мне тебя не понять - это странная новость, очарован тобой и не вижу пути,

По которому нас проведёт невесомость, по которому нам нет надежды пройти.

Просьба "Не уходи!" ничего не исправит, и прощаясь со мной, все обиды прощай.

Мне тебя не забыть, Бог тебя не оставит, всё прошло, унеслось, лишь осталась печаль.

Мне тебя не понять, и как глупы вопросы, почему нас судьба разлучила с тобой.

Только помню я всё: счастье, горькие слёзы, и как сон унесло тишину и покой.

Так храни тебя Бог, так храни тебя Бог и твой ангел-хранитель, но я верю в мечту, что когда-нибудь вновь

Я открою ту дверь в золотую обитель, где душевный покой, тишина и любовь...

Я открою ту дверь в золотую обитель, где душевный покой, тишина и любовь...

In the song "I Can't Understand You," Mikhail Krug touches upon the timeless theme of misunderstanding and separation in love. The lyrical hero experiences a profound emotional drama caused by the breakup with his beloved woman. He feels lonely and misunderstood, even when she was by his side.

The lyrics are permeated with pain and bitterness from the fact that the relationship did not work out. The hero confesses that he is enchanted by his beloved and sees no path that could unite them. He understands that pleas to stay are futile and asks for forgiveness for all offenses.

Despite the separation, the hero's feelings have not faded. He cannot forget his love and keeps in his memory both happy and bitter moments of their relationship. Turning to God, he asks for protection for his former lover and does not lose hope that someday they will be together again.

The final lines of the song, repeated twice, emphasize the main dream of the lyrical hero – to find peace of mind, tranquility and love, which he has lost.

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