The meaning of the lyrics of the song "My neighbor" (Moy sosed) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

My neighbor, when he has some wine, keeps repeating: "War, war..." and how many lives were taken, how many destinies were broken.

And when Victory Day comes, he puts on his medals and drinks, and cries softly, remembering what it was like.

He remembers his mother's face, the notice of his father's death, how he ran away to the front at sixteen with Vityuha.

How Vityuha shouted: "Forward, for..." and was blown to pieces before his eyes, and buried by an unknown old woman.

And how he lay in hospitals, how his commander died in his arms, and how he got his concussion in April near Berlin.

How he used to chase snakes as a kid, played war games with the boys, and how he hooked rides on trucks in winter.

He played war as if he knew: barely grew up - ended up at the front. War games from childhood came in handy in life.

And many played their own game before the war - went to prison, very few returned from the penal battalion.

Сосед мой как хлебнёт вина всё говорит: "Война, война..." и сколько жизней унесло и не сложилось.

А День Победы подойдёт - наденет ордена и пьёт, и плачет тихо, вспоминает, как им жилось.

Как помнит мать, черты лица и похоронку на отца, и как в шестнадцать убежал на фронт с Витюхой,

Как Витька крикнул: "Вперёд, за..." и разорвало на глазах, а хоронила незнакомая старуха.

И как лежал в госпиталях, комбат как умер на руках и как контузило в апреле под Берлином.

Как в детстве змея запускал, в войну с мальчишками играл и как зимой крючком цеплялся за машины.

В войну играл - как будто знал: подрос чуть-чуть - на фронт попал. Война из детства здорово в жизни пригодилась.

А многие по одному играли до войны в тюрьму, их очень мало со штрафбата возвратилось.

Mikhail Krug's song "My Neighbor" touches upon the tragic theme of the Great Patriotic War and its impact on the fate of an ordinary man. The lyrical hero of the song is a veteran who, despite the past years, cannot forget the horrors of war. Alcohol becomes a way for him to drown out the pain, to break free from the shackles of memories that haunt him.

The phrase "My neighbor, when he takes a sip of wine, keeps saying: 'War, war...' and how many lives it took, and how many dreams were shattered" shows that the war left a deep mark on the hero's soul. He cannot speak about it calmly; only under the influence of alcohol do the memories break free.

The author emphasizes the contrast between the peaceful life and the hero's wartime experiences. On Victory Day, putting on his medals, he seems to return to the past, reliving the bitterness of loss and the hardships of war.

The song vividly and realistically depicts episodes from the hero's life at the front: the death of his childhood friend before his eyes, wounds, concussion, the death of his commander. The author shows how war broke destinies, crippled the souls of young boys, deprived them of their childhood and dreams.

The lines about how the hero "played war with the boys" and then "played war as if he knew" are particularly poignant. This game, which became a reality, emphasizes the tragedy and absurdity of war, which invades peaceful life and destroys it.

The final lines of the song make you think about the price of victory, about how many destinies were crippled, how many people did not return from the front. The author draws a parallel between playing war and real battles, emphasizing that for many, war has become a cruel game of survival.

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