The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Musya the Buffet Lady" (Musya-bufetchica) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

When I was young and handsome, I was a frequent visitor at the train station.

I loved to drink beer at Musya's and look into the eyes of the barmaid.

Ah, Musya, you, the barmaid, you are my delight, the memory of my days in prison.

I remember how I smashed a full glass against the table when you waltzed into the bar with some trash.

Oh, the commotion was exceptionally delicate: my buddies were taken away in a paddy wagon,

And I stood there, handsome and well-dressed, but I couldn't do a thing for you.

But one summer evening, I took off my jacket; down the alley, slowly and leisurely,

You walked with some chump and smiled as if everyone here was pleased with you.

I pulled out a knife and peacefully plunged it into his belly, and the chump, saying "Farewell," fell down.

Only the prostitutes were singing behind the market, and I stood before you alone.

You stand, a beautiful doll all dolled up, leaning your elbow on the railing,

And casually, reluctantly, you said: "Get lost." Yes, you bitch, you killed me inside.

That time I didn't want to argue with you. I let you go: "See you later, Musya,"

But I got caught and ended up doing time with a buddy in the spring and didn't even know that I would soon be back.

Когда я молодой был и красивый, я очень часто навещал вокзал.

Я так любил попить у Муси пива и посмотреть буфетчице в глаза.

Ах, Муська, ты, буфетчица, ты просто мой восторг, ты просто моих дней тюремных память.

Я помню, как об стол разбил наполненный прибор, когда в кабак ты впёрлась с мусорами.

Да шухер был на редкость деликатный: дружков моих забрали в воронок,

И я стоял красивый и нарядный, но сделать ничего тебе не смог.

Но как-то летним вечером я снял с себя пиджак; по переулку медленно и вольно

Ты шла с каким-то фраером и улыбалась так, как будто здесь тобою все довольны.

Я вынул нож и мирно сунул в брюхо, и фраер, мне сказав: "Прощай", — упал.

Лишь пели за базаром проститутки, и я перед тобой один стоял.

Ты стоишь, красивая биксуля на мази, облокотившись локтем на перила,

И невзначай так, нехотя сказала: "Уходи". Да, шкура, ты меня во мне убила.

В тот раз я не хотел базар с тобою. Я отпустил тебя: До встречи, Мусь", —

Но залетел на срок с дружком весною и сам не знал, что скоро я вернусь.

The song "Musya-buffet lady" by Mikhail Krug tells the story of unrequited love of the lyrical hero, closely connected with the criminal world, for a buffet lady named Musya.

The hero reminisces about his youth, when he was a frequent visitor to the train station, where he admired Musya. He idealizes her, calling her "delight" and "memory of prison days."

However, their relationship is far from romantic. The song describes a conflict when Musya brings "cops" to the bar, leading to the arrest of the hero's friends. He feels helpless and humiliated.

On another occasion, the hero sees Musya with another man and, in a fit of jealousy, kills him. Musya remains indifferent, only ordering the hero to leave. Her coldness hurts the hero, he feels "killed" inside.

At the end of the song, the hero finds himself back in prison but hopes for a speedy reunion with Musya.

The image of Musya is ambiguous. On the one hand, she is attractive, but on the other - cold and indifferent to the hero's suffering. The song is filled with prison romance, cruelty and hopelessness, characteristic of Mikhail Krug's work.

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