The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Didn't burn, loved." (Ne spalila, lyubila) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

Lyokha Chikh, that freemason, brought over some bad booze,

To liven up a night of cards in solitary.

She walked in like a queen, legs, cleavage: damn! - I'd do life in the hole with her gladly.

Venya put on his best suit, sweating buckets, fingers fanned out: 'Greetings, madame,

You probably haven't been told yet, but here, your furry safe will be cracked open like a can'.

He, pleased with himself, moved in closer, he was a scholar when it came to safes.

And she, spitting on the floor just like that, pulled out a gun, put a hole right through his drapes.

Told everyone: 'Sit down', - we respected the gun, and she, cool as a cucumber,

Placed her bobbed wig on the table, took a note out of her cleavage.

Pity Venya, he was a good lockpick, they wouldn't forgive the dame even if they wanted to.

A real thief had loaded the gun for her, and wrote a note asking them to be nice to her, you see.

Listen, you don't start business like this, you don't look the part, no offense.

Lyokha Chikh really stepped in it this time, and you're about to get a new hole punched in you, easy as pie.

Лёха Чих, фармазон, подогнал фуфеля, скрасить вечер за стирами в очко.

Она круто вошла, ножки, груди: а-ля! - я б всю жизнь с ней сидел в одиночке.

Веня лепень одел и расплавился весь, пальцы веером: "Здрасте, гражданка,

Вам, наверно, ещё не сказали, что здесь сейф лохматый ваш вскроют, как в банке".

Он, довольный собой, подкатил на контакт, он по сейфам - учёная степень.

А она, плюнув на пол ему просто так, вынув ствол, продырявила лепень.

Всем сказала: "Сидеть", - мы уважили ствол, а она, как ни в чём не бывало,

Свою шляпку-каре положила на стол, из декольте маляву достала.

Веню жалко, хорошим он кольщиком был, не по воле красючке простили.

Пулю в ствол ей действительный вор зарядил, и писал, чтоб её полюбили.

Слышь, с такого начала не делают дел, ты же с виду не катишь по масти.

Лёха Чих прохоря через край насадил, а тебе дырку сделать, как "здрасьте".

In Mikhail Krug's song "Didn't Rat, Loved Him", the lyrics describe a criminal situation full of drama and irony. Lyokha Chikh, a character with a telling nickname hinting at his connection to drugs ("fufel"), decided to "brighten up the evening behind the cards with a game" - that is, to play cards for money with company. He invited a girl who at first glance made a splash with her beauty ("legs, breasts: wow!").

Venya, an experienced safecracker ("a degree in safes"), was supposed to crack the safe, but the girl unexpectedly turned out to be not who they thought she was. She pulled out a gun, "shot a hole through the door", and "as if nothing had happened", took out a "note".

In the note, the real thief, who planted it in the gun, asked to spare the girl. It turns out that Lyokha Chikh made a big miscalculation by getting involved with her ("Lyokha Chikh went way overboard"). He unwittingly put her in mortal danger ("and to put a hole in you, like 'hello'"), because the girl was not from their world and was not suitable for participation in criminal affairs.

The song vividly illustrates the contrast between outward appearance and reality, as well as the cruelty and unpredictability of the criminal world.

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