The meaning of the lyrics of the song "I Got My Way" the performer of the song "Miyagi"


I Got My Way. Umshakalaka

I Got My Way. Umshakalaka

I Got My Way. Umshakalaka

[Verse 1, Amigo]

Evil Leprechaun on a tricycle, through the lungs, like a black man through the Bronx

Sly squint goes to the Sun

May, no woman no cry or hello Bodaybo

Or Paradise, with my wife, with my daughter, like me

Fast life. I'm on my kayak like the captain of the Arctic

Carefully, the main thing here is practice, brother

Special thanks to the stylist and her robe

If red eyes are cool, then it's either hot or close

Andy from Design Bureau is watching us - and forward, safari to a dream

It seemed without a trace, but we are no longer going to the bottom

I'm taking sunbaths. Big Bu

Next, I promise to live by my mind

[Pre-Hook, Amigo]

Fate allowed me to choose for myself

I found my way, I'm walking on it

A bow in my paw, a cockatoo on my shoulder

Moby Dick will bring trouble to your swamp

[Hook, Miyagi]

I Got My Way. I Got My Way

I Got My Way. I Got My Way

I Got My Way. I Got My Way

I Got My Way. I Got My Way

[Verse 2, Miyagi]

Come on, chatterbox. We don't give a damn about hype

Opponents of the vibe, style is not a balalaika

Summer, burn with heat. Sea, add strength

I'm a man, I burn under the sun - that's how my days go

White sweatshirt over Nike shorts

There's a party under the shots, we are the children of Counter-Strike

Get charged and sing along, the beat is noisy, we live in style

Squeezing the juices of life with kind hands

I'm on the ointment by the notes and on the personal ointment

Peace-loving and well-mannered by bits, I'll buy myself an Uzi

Suddenly the enemy chickened out, a track bolt for the loads

King Kong with taste, check out my blues, damn

Tell me here how hard it is to get out of the mud

My flow is at the party, listen, everyone is shaking here

With kind dribbling we deceived sadness

With kind dribbling we deceived sadness

[Hook, Miyagi]

I Got My Way. I Got My Way

I Got My Way. I Got My Way

I Got My Way. I Got My Way

I Got My Way. I Got My Way

[Verse 3, Endspiel]

Umshakalaka is a macaque rap

Like a tank attack, we are not waka-flocka

On contact from the fact, Hakuna Matata

Mata gang motherfucker on contact cotton wool

As if I'm strutting on my feet, Truman operates in the morning

I bend the corpses of fools, how cool Buddha is, how fiercely Ur is at Duda

At the moment, we decide parting words - you fry

I set foot on this earth, being corrected

Ba-Ba! One-love lavender cried

Yes, yes, I give a piece, I stole it from the treasure

Yes, come on, yes, we have a Panama mana

At the balls, the fire of the clan's plan pampered

Here and there, praise be to the Gods

I'll give you rap, chatter, set it on fire, I'll give it to you

Salam to everyone - both amateurs and masters

Umshakalaka, nesting dolls and boys

[Hook, Miyagi]

I Got My Way. I Got My Way

I Got My Way. I Got My Way

I Got My Way. I Got My Way

I Got My Way. I Got My Way

I Got My Way. I Got My Way

I Got My Way. I Got My Way

I Got My Way. I Got My Way

I Got My Way. I Got My Way


I Got My Way. Умшакалака

I Got My Way. Умшакалака

I Got My Way. Умшакалака

[Verse 1, Amigo]

Злой Лепрекон на трехколёсном, по лёгким, как негрила по Бронксу

Хитрый прищур отправляется к Солнцу

Май, no woman no cry или привет Бодайбо

Или Райское, с женой, с дочкой, как у меня

Быстрая life. Я на своей байдарке будто капитан Арктика

Внимательно, тут главное: практика, братик

Отдельное спасибо стилисту и ее халатику

Если красные глаза - круто, то это: или горячо, или близко

Нас смотрят Энди из КБ - и вперёд, сафари на мечту

Без палева казалось бы, но мы больше не идем ко дну

Принимаю солнечные ванны. Большой Бу

Дальше, обещаю лайфовать по уму

[Pre-Hook, Amigo]

Мне позволила судьба выбрать самому

Я надыбал свой путь, иду по нему

В лапе дуга, на плече какаду

В твое болото «Моби Дик» принесёт беду

[Hook, Miyagi]

I Got My Way. I Got My Way

I Got My Way. I Got My Way

I Got My Way. I Got My Way

I Got My Way. I Got My Way

[Verse 2, MiyaGi]

А ну-ка, трёпа наболтай-ка. Похуй нам до хайпа

Противники вайпа, стиль не балалайка

Лето, жаром обжигай-ка. Море, силы добавляй

Я ман, горю под солнцем - именно так мои проходят дни

Белая фуфайка над шортами от Nike'а

Под шотами гулянка, мы дети Counter-Strike'а

Зарядись и пой, шумит прибой, живём по кайфу

Выжимая добрыми руками соки лайфа

У меня на мази по нотам и на личном на мази

Миролюбив и воспитан битами, куплю себе Узи

Вдруг враг струсил, трек-болт для гру́зил

Кинг-Конг со вкусом, зацени мой блюз, бля

Поговори мне тут, как трудно выбираться из грязи

Мой flow на тусе, слышь, всех тут трусит

Добрыми дриблингами мы обматали грусть

Добрыми дриблингами мы обматали грусть

[Hook, Miyagi]

I Got My Way. I Got My Way

I Got My Way. I Got My Way

I Got My Way. I Got My Way

I Got My Way. I Got My Way

[Verse 3, Эндшпиль]

Умшакалака - это рэп макака

Как атака танка, мы не вака-флака

На контакт от факта, акуна-матата

Мата банда motherfuck'а на контакта вата

Будто пру по футам путан тут, под утро орудает Труман

Гну трупы тупых, как Будда крут, как Ур у Дута-люто

Мы на момент решаем напутствия - жаришь

Я ступил на эту землю, будучи поправишь

Ба-Ба! One-love плакала лаванда

Да-да дарю кусок, украл от клада

Да, ладно нам, да, нам панама мана

На балах баловала fire клана плана

По полюсам тут и там хвала Богам

Я рапа дам, таратам поджигай, подам

Всем салам - и любителям, и мастерам

Умшакалака, матрешкам и пацанам

[Hook, Miyagi]

I Got My Way. I Got My Way

I Got My Way. I Got My Way

I Got My Way. I Got My Way

I Got My Way. I Got My Way

I Got My Way. I Got My Way

I Got My Way. I Got My Way

I Got My Way. I Got My Way

I Got My Way. I Got My Way

In "I Got My Way," Miyagi and Endshpil rap about finding their own path in life and refusing to deviate from it. They exude confidence, reveling in their journey and dismissing any negativity.

Amigo kicks off with his "fast life," likening himself to a captain navigating the Arctic. He shouts out his stylist, notes that red eyes signify being close to the goal, and celebrates no longer "sinking" with his crew. He's found his way and walks it boldly.

Miyagi reinforces this sentiment, emphasizing his indifference to hype and external validation. He's content living in the moment, embracing summer vibes, and "squeezing the juices out of life." He's "on point," self-assured, and prepared to defend himself if necessary.

Endshpil injects wordplay and metaphors, describing his path as a "macaque's rap" and a "tank attack." He compares himself to Buddha and King Kong, highlighting his strength and composure.

The repeated hook "I Got My Way" acts as a mantra, an affirmation of their chosen path and unwavering commitment to it. It's a song about self-belief, freedom of choice, and finding joy in the journey.

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