The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Night" (Noch) the performer of the song "Miyagi"

My queen of the night, my music of the pen

How can I help you? I'm lost in numbers

You run away, I'll catch up, it's a game

You run away, I'll catch up, it's a game

Queen of the night, my music of the pen

How can I help you? I'm lost in numbers

You run away, I'll catch up, it's a game

You run away, I'll catch up, it's a game

Whatever happens, we'll bolt the doors again

But the revelations here are hymns of words

My muse is craft (my muse is craft)

Apparently, I'm lucky (apparently, I'm lucky)

(And we, and we) And we painted pictures with sounds

The adored mystic absorbed

Abundance on a sheet and uncontrollable love

(I won't bother you again, but)

Notes gathered into motives, enchanting, enjoyed by songs

You, lost and unrecognized

(You, lost and unrecognized)

What warms me inside? (Inside) Burn

It's a melody, melody, melody

Melody of love

Sleepy city without people

I'm searching for ideas again

I sing frankly out of tune (out of tune)

But with soul, without worry

Look at the new day like it's a punch

Made the mood warmer and brighter

All for you, that's all I am

Do good, flow, song

Smoothly making plans, mama

Soldier is not tired

And let this thorny path be difficult

Ahead is a dangerous slalom

So what warms us inside?

Silence fell

It's a melody, melody, melody

Melody of love

Моя королева ночь, моя музыка пера

Чем тебе помочь? Забываюсь в номерах

Убегаешь прочь, догоню, это игра

Убегаешь прочь, догоню, это игра

Королева ночь, моя музыка пера

Чем тебе помочь? Забываюсь в номерах

Убегаешь прочь, догоню, это игра

Убегаешь прочь, догоню, это игра

Как бы ни было, мы снова двери на засов

Но откровения тут песнопениями слов

Моя муза — ремесло (моя муза — ремесло)

Видимо, мне повезло (видимо, мне повезло)

(А мы, а мы) А мы звуками писали картины

Обожаемая мистика поглотила

Изобилие на лист и неконтролируемая любовь

(Я не буду тебе вновь докучать, но)

Ноты собирали в мотивы, завораживая, песнями насладили

Тебя растерянного и непризнанного

(Тебя растерянного и непризнанного)

Что меня греет внутри? (Внутри) Пали

Это мелодия, мелодия, мелодия

Мелодия любви

Сонный город без людей

Я снова в поисках иде-ей

Пою откровенно не в ноты (в ноты)

Зато с душой, без заботы

В новый день смотри, как в punch′е

Сделал mood теплей и ярче

Всё ради тебя, в этом весь я

Твори добро, лейся, песня

Плавно строю планы, мама

Soldier не устал

И пусть этот тернистый путь нелёгкий

Впереди опасный слалом

Так что же греет нас внутри?

Тишина нависла

Это мелодия, мелодия, мелодия

Мелодия любви

English version:

In the song "Night," Miyagi addresses his muse, his "queen of the night." She is the source of his inspiration, the "music of his pen." The lyrical hero is lost, "forgetting himself in rooms," perhaps hotel rooms, which speaks to his life on the road and search for himself. His muse constantly eludes him, and he tries to catch her, calling it a "game."

Despite the difficulties, they keep coming back to each other, locking the doors behind them. Their closeness is not passion, but a creative union, expressed through "chants of words." Music for the hero is a craft, and the muse is a gift, a stroke of luck.

Together they create "paintings with sounds," they are overwhelmed with emotions, "uncontrolled love" and "adored mysticism." The music created by the hero captivates, comforts, and inspires his "lost and unrecognized" listener, perhaps a reflection of the author himself in the past.

What drives the hero? What warms him from the inside? It is the melody of love, the melody of his music. In the night city, full of loneliness, he searches for new ideas, "singing honestly, not in tune, but with soul." His goal is to create a mood, to make it "warmer and brighter" for his muse, for whom he is willing to do anything.

In the last lines of the song, Miyagi shares his plans and anxieties. He, like a "soldier," does not give up, despite the difficulties ("thorny path," "dangerous slalom"). The question "What warms us inside?" is addressed not only to the muse, but also to the listeners, emphasizing the universality of the theme of searching for meaning and inspiration. The answer remains the same - "the melody of love," a symbol of creativity, passion and hope.

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