The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Nights alone." (Nochi v odnogo) the performer of the song "Miyagi"

(Verse 1):

They told me to wait, I left with the rain

This night is needed, I was digesting the dream

You tore the sails expecting delight

This is my Touchtown, this is my Hong Kong

Need to contemplate and nothing more

Or complete turmoil

Empty charlatans, pour a hundred

Forget my voice and myself

Forget my paradise, I'm a drunken badman

Voluntarily sentenced, you deserved it

Poured to the bottom, to give a slap in the face

I don't want to feel sorry for myself and I won't forgive

This world couldn't save me

You lost your minds losing the thread

In time to love without offense and live

Not to forget the troubles and there's no need to create


Nights alone, nights alone

You cherished, you cared for me, the me killed by myself

Nights alone, nights alone

You believed in me like no one ever did and no one else

Nights alone, nights alone

You cherished, you cared for me, the me killed by myself

Nights alone, nights alone

You believed in me like no one ever did and no one else

(1 Куплет):

Говорили погоди ,уходил с дождём

Эта ночь нужна переваривал сон

Вы порвали паруса ожидая восторг

Это мой Тачтаун, это мой Гонконг

Надо созерцать и не более того

Либо до конца переполох

Хитроматы пустот наливай по сто

Забывай мой голос и меня самого

Забывай мой рай я пропитый бадман

Добровольно приговаривал а вам по делом

Заливал до дна дабы дать по щам

Не хочу себя жалеть и не буду прощать

Этот мир не смог меня сохранить

Потеряли головы теряя нить

Во время дабы любить без обид и жить

Не забыть нам бед и незачем творить


Ночи в одного ,ночи в одного

Холили,лелеяли меня убитого меня собой

Ночи в одного ,ночи в одного

Верили в меня как никогда никто и не в кого

Ночи в одного, ночи в одного

Холили,лелеяли меня убитого меня собой

Ночи в одного, ночи в одного

Верили в меня как никогда никто и не в кого

Miyagi's song "Nights Alone" is a deep dive into the world of inner conflict and self-discovery. The lyrical hero is going through a difficult period; he feels misunderstood and lonely despite having loved ones.

The first verse paints a picture of departure: "They said wait, I left with the rain." The hero walks away from something familiar, perhaps from a relationship that did not bring joy ("You tore the sails, waiting for delight"). He is looking for his own path, his place ("This is my Touchtown, this is my Hong Kong") where he can find harmony ("Just contemplate and nothing more").

The image of "cunning voids" hints that the hero is trying to fill the inner emptiness, drown out the pain ("Forget my voice and forget me"). He acknowledges his responsibility for what is happening ("Voluntarily sentenced, and you got what you deserved"), but does not feel the desire to forgive himself or others ("I don't want to feel sorry for myself and I won't forgive").

The world, according to the lyrical hero, is cruel and unable to save him from suffering ("This world could not save me"). He is disappointed in people who "lost their heads, losing the thread" – they have lost the ability to love, forgive, and live in the present.

The chorus is a cry of the soul, an expression of pain and loneliness: "Nights alone, nights alone, they cherished, they nurtured me, killed by myself." The hero feels destroyed, possibly by his own mistakes, doubts, and fears.

However, despite the despair, the song also sounds a note of hope. "They believed in me like no one ever did in anyone" – these words indicate that there were people in the hero's life who sincerely loved and supported him. Perhaps it is faith in himself and in a brighter future that will help him overcome this difficult period and find peace.

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