The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The aborigines ate Cook." (Aborigenyi seli Kuka) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

The Aborigines ate Cook for some reason,

Why - it is unclear, science is silent.

It seems to me quite a simple thing:

They were hungry - and they ate Cook!

They were hungry - and they ate Cook!

There is a version that their leader was a real grump,

He heard that Cook's ship had a delicious cook.

A mistake came out - that's what science is silent about,

They wanted a cook, but they ate Cook!

They wanted a cook, but they ate Cook!

And there was no catch or trick at all,

They entered quietly, almost silently,

They put into action a club made of bamboo,

Thud! Right in the forehead - and Cook is no more!

Thud! Right in the forehead - and Cook is no more!

We've been racking our brains for centuries - it's just torment!

Why and how did the Aborigines eat Cook?

What was so special about Cook? - that's what science is silent about.

But one way or another, Cook is no more!

One way or another, but Cook is no more!

One way or another, but Cook is no more!

And the savages broke their bamboo spears,

Worried that they had eaten Cook!

We've been racking our brains for centuries - it's just torment!

Why and how did the Aborigines eat Cook?

Why and how did the Aborigines eat Cook?

Аборигены сьели Кука

Аборигены почему-то съели Кука

За что - неясно, молчит наука

Мне представляется совсем простая штука

Хотели кушать - и съели Кука!

Хотели кушать - и съели Кука!

Есть вариант, что ихний вождь - большая бука

Услышал, будто вкусный кок на судне Кука

Ошибка вышла - вот о чём молчит наука

Хотели - кока, а съели - Кука!

Хотели - кока, а съели - Кука!

И вовсе не было подвоха или трюка

Вошли тихонько, почти без звука

Пустили в действие дубинку из бамбука

Тюк! прямо в темя - и нету Кука!

Тюк! прямо в темя - и нету Кука!

Ломаем голову веками - просто мука!

Зачем и как аборигены съели Кука?

Чем Кук приятней? - вот о чём молчит наука

Но так иль иначе, а нету Кука

Так иль иначе, но нету Кука

Так иль иначе, но нету Кука

А дикари ломали копья из бамбука

Переживали, что съели Кука!

Ломаем голову веками - просто мука!

Зачем и как аборигены съели Кука

Зачем и как аборигены съели Кука

Vladimir Vysotsky's satirical song "The Natives Ate Captain Cook" deliberately simplifies the historical event of James Cook's death at the hands of the Hawaiians. Instead of complex explanations that "science" might offer, the author proposes a deliberately primitive reason: "They were hungry - so they ate Captain Cook!"

This device - grotesque - serves to ridicule stereotypical thinking, which often simplifies complex situations. After all, the motives of the Hawaiians were most likely far from simple hunger.

Further, Vysotsky develops the theme, playing on the consonance of the words "Cook" and "cook". As if the leader of the natives simply misheard and ordered to seize the delicious cook, but they got the captain. This adds absurdity and comicality to the song, emphasizing the absurdity of the situation.

The description of Cook's murder is also deliberately simplified: "Thump! Right in the head - and there's no Cook!" Such a primitivization, devoid of tragedy, enhances the satirical effect.

In the finale of the song, Vysotsky shows the remorse of the natives: "They were upset that they had eaten Cook!" This unexpected turn destroys the stereotype of "savages", endowing them with human feelings.

Thus, Vysotsky's song, despite its seeming simplicity, invites the viewer to think about the complexity of historical events and not to judge them superficially. The author ridicules stereotypes, calls for critical thinking, and reminds us that behind every historical fact are the fates of real people.

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