The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Running walk, tölt" (Beg inohodca) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

I gallop, but I gallop differently,

Through fields, through puddles, through the dew...

They say: he gallops with an amble.

That means differently from everyone else.

But my rider is always on me, -

He whips me under the ribs with his spurs.

I agree to run in a herd,

But not under the saddle and without a bridle!

If the knife is not free from the sheath,

It is less dangerous than a needle.

So I am saddled and bridled.

The bit is tearing my mouth apart.

My back is covered with wounds,

I am trembling on my sides by the water.

I agree to run in a herd,

But not under the saddle and without a bridle!

Today I have to fight.

Races! Today I am the favorite.

I know everyone is betting on the ambler,

But it's not me - the jockey on me is wheezing!

He digs his spurs into my ribs,

The front rows are grinning.

I agree to run in a herd,

But not under the saddle and without a bridle.

The horses are dancing, dancing at the start,

Harboring malice towards each other,

In frenzy, in rage, in excitement,

And they are dropping foam, just like me.

My rider is valued by the stands, -

A great master of riding.

Oh, how I would run in a herd,

But not under the saddle and without a bridle.

No! The mountains will not be golden!

I will be the last to cross the finish line.

I will remember these spurs of his,

I will stumble, I will fall behind on the run.

The bell! My jockey is on his horse,

He smiles in anticipation of the reward.

Oh, how I would run in a herd,

But not under the saddle and without a bridle!

What's wrong with me, what am I doing, how dare I -

I indulge my enemy!

I am simply not in control of myself,

I can't help but be the first!

What should I do? I have no choice but to

Throw off my jockey

And gallop as if in a herd,

Under the saddle, in the bridle, but without him!

I came, and he is trailing behind,

Over stones, through puddles, through the dew.

For the first time I was not an ambler,

I was eager to win, like everyone else!

Я скачу, но я скачу иначе,

По полям, по лужам, по росе...

Говорят: он иноходью скачет.

Это значит иначе, чем все.

Но наездник мой всегда на мне, -

Стременами лупит мне под дых.

Я согласен бегать в табуне,

Но не под седлом и без узды!

Если не свободен нож от ножен,

Он опасен меньше, чем игла.

Вот и я оседлан и стреножен.

Рот мой разрывают удила.

Мне набили раны на спине,

Я дрожу боками у воды.

Я согласен бегать в табуне,

Но не под седлом и без узды!

Мне сегодня предстоит бороться.

Скачки! Я сегодня - фаворит.

Знаю - ставят все на иноходца,

Но не я - жокей на мне хрипит!

Он вонзает шпоры в ребра мне,

Зубоскалят первые ряды.

Я согласен бегать в табуне,

Но не под седлом и без узды.

Пляшут, пляшут скакуны на старте,

Друг на друга злобу затая,

В исступленьи, в бешенстве, в азарте,

И роняют пену, как и я.

Мой наездник у трибун в цене, -

Крупный мастер верховой езды.

Ох, как я бы бегал в табуне,

Но не под седлом и без узды.

Нет! Не будут золотыми горы!

Я последним цель пересеку.

Я ему припомню эти шпоры,

Засбою, отстану на скаку.

Колокол! Жокей мой на коне,

Он смеется в предвкушеньи мзды.

Ох, как я бы бегал в табуне,

Но не под седлом и без узды!

Что со мной, что делаю, как смею -

Потакаю своему врагу!

Я собою просто не владею,

Я придти не первым не могу!

Что же делать? Остается мне

Вышвырнуть жокея моего

И скакать, как будто в табуне,

Под седлом, в узде, но без него!

Я пришел, а он в хвосте плетется,

По камням, по лужам, по росе.

Я впервые не был иноходцем,

Я стремился выиграть, как все!

In Vladimir Vysotsky's song "The Run of the Pacer," the image of a horse running in a pace (a specific gait) represents an individual with extraordinary abilities forced to exist within the rigid framework of the system.

The pacer is a metaphor for talent that stands out from the crowd ("It means different from everyone else"). However, its uniqueness turns into a curse. The rider, personifying power, the system, and social expectations, ruthlessly exploits the hero ("He hits me under the breath with his stirrups," "He digs his spurs into my ribs").

The protagonist strives for freedom, dreams of a natural state ("I agree to run in a herd, / But not under a saddle and without a bridle!"). He realizes that his talent is not used for good but to satisfy the ambitions of others ("I know - everyone bets on the pacer, / But it's not me - the jockey wheezes on me!").

The hero's struggle is tragic. On the one hand, he obeys the system ("I have to fight today"), and on the other, he rebels ("I will stumble, I will fall behind on the run"). The culmination is the decision to throw off the rider - a symbol of rejection of imposed rules.

The ending of the song is open. The hero finds the desired freedom ("For the first time, I was not a pacer"), but it is unclear what the independent path will turn out to be for him.

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