The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Man overboard" (Chelovek za bortom) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

The storm was raging. Ropes tore the skin from our hands,

The anchor chain shrieked like a demon.

The wind sang the devil's song, and suddenly

A voice cried: "Man overboard!"

And instantly: "Full astern! Stop the engines!

Quickly, save him and keep him warm!

Bring him inside, if he's a man,

If not, then rub him down!"

I regretted being condemned to walk on land,

For it meant no help would come to me.

No one would rush to save my life,

No ship's alarm would sound for me.

Instead, they'd say: "Full speed ahead! Wind at our back!

We'll be in port on schedule.

He's a son of a bitch, that's a fact,

Let him figure it out himself!"

And my ship would sail away from me.

Those on board must be a higher sort.

The lookout only looks ahead, you see,

He doesn't care about a man overboard!

I see ships sailing by,

A welcoming port awaits them all.

Who cares how many fall,

From the main road overboard.

Let the sea carry me away, and there,

A nine-point storm with all its might!

The captain will lower a lifeboat for me to share,

And I'll find solid ground beneath my feet.

They'll grab me by my clothes,

So there's a plus to falling dressed, you see!

Into the lifeboat's side, with all my woes,

I'll cling with a death grip, desperately.

From here, I could spit all the way to the stern.

Just a month to Havana, not too far,

But I yearn for the deck, to return

To the captain who saved me, my guiding star!

Though their rolling is a bit extreme,

Yachts can't handle storms, it's true,

But a man overboard, it would seem,

Will never be abandoned by this crew!

I'm on board, the course unchanged, the same old way.

Hands reach out to me, souls, cigarettes too.

And I'm certain, come what may,

The sailors will throw me a lifebuoy, it's true.

Full speed ahead, let's face the ice with grace!

I'm yours now, my sailor boys!

Cut me up, you sons of a bitch, embrace

The freedom to tear me to pieces and enjoy!

When the empty trap slams shut,

And losses on land fade from memory's hold,

The finest captain in the world, I'll trust,

Will lower the gangplank, and my story will unfold.

I'll start a conversation, you see,

And teach a thing or two, you bet,

How a man overboard, like me,

Should never be left to his fate, I won't forget.

Был шторм. Канаты рвали кожу с рук,

И якорная цепь визжала чертом.

Пел ветер песню дьявола, и вдруг

Раздался голос: - Человек за бортом!

И сразу: Полный назад! Стоп машина!

Живо спасти и согреть!

Внутрь ему, если мужчина,

Если же нет - растереть!

Я пожалел, что обречен шагать

По суше, - значит, мне не ждать подмоги.

Никто меня не бросится спасать

И не объявит шлюпочной тревоги.

А скажут: - Полный вперед! Ветер в спину!

Будем в порту по часам.

Так ему, сукину сыну,

Пусть выбирается сам!

И мой корабль от меня уйдет.

На нем, должно быть, люди выше сортом.

Впередсмотрящий смотрит лишь вперед,

Ему плевать, что человек за бортом!

Я вижу: мимо суда проплывают,

Ждет их приветливый порт.

Мало ли кто выпадает

С главной дороги за борт.

Пусть в море меня вынесет, а там -

Шторм девять баллов новыми деньгами!

За мною спустит шлюпку капитан,

И обрету я почву под ногами.

Они зацепят меня за одежду,

Значит, падать одетому - плюс!

В шлюпочный борт, как в надежду,

Мертвою хваткой вцеплюсь.

Здесь с бака можно плюнуть за корму.

Узлов немного - месяц на Гавану,

Но я хочу на палубу - к нему,

К вернувшему мне землю капитану!

Правда, с качкой у них - перебор там,

В штормы от вахт не вздохнуть,

Но человеку за бортом

Здесь не дадут утонуть!

Я на борту, курс прежний, прежний путь.

Мне тянут руки, души, папиросы.

И я уверен, если что-нибудь, -

Мне бросят круг спасательный матросы.

Давайте ж полный вперед, что нам льдина!

Я теперь ваш, моряки!

Режь меня, сукина сына,

И разрывай на куски!

Когда пустым захлопнется капкан

И на земле забудутся потери,

Мне самый лучший в мире капитан

Опустит трап, и я сойду на берег.

Я затею такой разговор там

И научу кой-кого,

Как человека за бортом

Не оставлять одного.

Vladimir Vysotsky's poem "Man Overboard" is an allegory for human relationships and society's indifference to the misfortune of others.

The lyrical hero, observing the rescue of a drowning man, draws a parallel with his own life. He feels like he has been thrown "overboard" by society, lonely and unnecessary. No one will notice his absence, no one will try to save him, no one will throw him a lifeline.

The image of the ship and the sea symbolizes a life journey full of dangers and trials. "Storm", "devil's wind", "rocking" - metaphors for life's adversities and difficulties that every person faces.

The hero dreams that he, like a man overboard, would be rescued by someone, given a helping hand, and brought back to life. He craves attention, warmth, and human participation.

The second part of the poem is full of hope. The hero seems to find himself on a ship where he is accepted and cared for. He believes that if anything happens, he will be helped and supported.

The ending of the poem is optimistic. The lyrical hero, having passed through trials, finds solid ground under his feet, goes ashore. He is ready to share his experience, to teach others not to be indifferent, to help those who find themselves "overboard" in life.

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