The meaning of the lyrics of the song "This day will be the first, always and everywhere." (Etot den budet pervyim vsegda i vezde) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

This day will be the first, always and everywhere,

The hour has struck, the long-awaited silver hour.

We left on the spring high tide,

With the promise to remember and wait.

Following the hot trails of seafarers, both real and imagined,

Who paved our course through reefs, fog, and ice,

We sail under a white sail, equal with the ocean,

Only in the harness of the winds, not tormenting the water with screws.

Ahead are unearthly wonders!

And to make the land's wait more cheerful,

We will eternally send call signs,

This eternal tribute of ships.

They say that sails are sung a requiem,

A black brig is imprisoned in a museum for piracy,

A slender corvette dropped anchor in history,

Multi-pipe steamboats have gone out of favor.

But the entire kin of sailors, all there are, down to the seventh generation,

Will remember those who walked on the heat of passions,

And behind them flowed the boiling white foam,

And fate spared its wayward sons.

Ahead are unearthly wonders!

And to make the land's wait more cheerful,

We will honestly send call signs,

This eternal tribute of ships.

We will not meet a nameless continent in the distance,

We will not give our names to islands,

All discovered lands have long been named

After great people and saints.

They have snatched up all the discoveries - we do not build false illusions,

But water flows from the anchors, like living water.

If we're lucky, we will discover these lands within ourselves,

And we will go ashore - and stay there forever.

Do not close your eyes, helmsmen,

Suddenly the gray darkness will part,

On the "Flying Dutchman" for the first time

They will light torches for us!

Ahead are unearthly wonders!

And to make the land's wait more cheerful,

We will honestly send call signs,

This eternal tribute of ships!

Этот день будет первым всегда и везде

Пробил час, долгожданный серебряный час

Мы ушли по весенней высокой воде

Обещанием помнить и ждать заручась

По горячим следам мореходов живых и экранных

Что пробили нам курс через рифы, туманы и льды

Мы под парусом белым идем с океаном на равных

Лишь в упряжке ветров, не терзая винтами воды

Впереди - чудеса неземные!

А земле, чтобы ждать веселей

Будем вечно мы слать позывные

Эту вечную дань кораблей

Говорят, будто парусам реквием спет

Черный бриг за пиратство в музей заточен

Бросил якорь в историю стройный корвет

Многотрубные увальни вышли в почет

Но весь род моряков - сколько есть - до седьмого колена

Будет помнить о тех, кто ходил на накале страстей

И текла за кормой добела раскаленная пена

И щадила судьба непутевых своих сыновей

Впереди - чудеса неземные!

А земле, чтобы ждать веселей

Будем честно мы слать позывные

Эту вечную дань кораблей

Материк безымянный не встретим вдали

Островам не присвоим названьев своих

Все открытые земли давно нарекли

Именами великих людей и святых

Расхватали открытья - мы ложных иллюзий не строим

Но стекает вода с якорей, как живая вода

Повезет - и тогда мы в себе эти земли откроем,

И на берег сойдем - и останемся там навсегда

Не смыкайте же век, рулевые,

Вдруг расщедрится серая мгла

На "Летучем Голландце" впервые

Запалят ради нас факела!

Впереди - чудеса неземные!

А земле, чтобы ждать веселей

Будем честно мы слать позывные

Эту вечную дань кораблей!

In his song "This Day Will Be the First, Always and Everywhere," Vladimir Vysotsky uses the metaphor of a sea voyage to convey the idea of overcoming obstacles, striving for something new, and remembering those who paved the way.

"The hour has struck" signifies the start of a new stage, possibly in the life of the lyrical hero or in the development of society. "Spring's high water" symbolizes favorable conditions, enthusiasm, and the strength to move forward.

The hero is not alone in his endeavor. He honors the memory of "sailors, living and on screen"—real-life pioneers and heroes who inspire great deeds. The path ahead won't be easy: "reefs, fog, and ice" are metaphors for obstacles and difficulties. However, the hero is ready to overcome them, relying on the power of the wind ("sails") and not resorting to shortcuts ("screws in the water").

The image of "unearthly wonders" embodies a dream, a goal worth the risk and effort. The "call signs" and "eternal tribute of ships" symbolize the memory of the past, the connection between generations, and the continuity of traditions.

Although all lands have already been discovered and named, the hero believes that new discoveries are possible within oneself ("we will discover these lands within ourselves"). The final lines, mentioning the "Flying Dutchman" and "torches," add a touch of drama and mysticism, hinting that the path of a pioneer can be dangerous and even tragic.

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