The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Someone else's rut/track/path." (Chujaya koleya) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

I blame myself - and tears I cry,

And moan -

Got stuck in someone else's rut

So deep.

I set my goals

On my own,

But now from the rut

I can't get out.

Steep and slippery edges

This rut has.

I curse those who paved it -

My patience will soon run out,

And I decline, like a bad schoolboy,

Rut - in a rut, with a rut...

But why can't I stay put?

I'm so brazen!

The conditions, in general, in the rut

Are normal.

No one will hit, will not push -

Don't complain.

Want to move forward?

Go ahead.

There is no refusal in food and drink

In this cozy rut,

And I convinced myself -

I'm not the only one who got into it.

Keep it up! Wheel in a wheel!

And I'll get there, where everyone else is going.

Suddenly someone shouted out of his mind:

- Hey, let me out! -

And he began to argue with the rut


In the argument, he burned to the ground

The warmth of his soul,

And valves started flying

And bearings.

But he bent the edges,

And the rut became wider.

Suddenly his trail breaks off -

The eccentric was pulled into a ditch,

So that he couldn't interfere with us, the ones behind,

Driving along someone else's rut.

So trouble came to me too -

The starter is dead.

Now this is not driving,

But torment.

And I should get out, push,

But I have no strength -

Maybe someone will come along -

And pull me out...

In vain I wait for help -

This is someone else's rut.

I should have dissolved in clay and mud

With this same foreign rut, -

By the fact that I deepened it myself,

I killed the hope of those behind me.

A cold sweat broke out on me

To the bone,

And I walked a little ahead

On a plank.

I look - the streams washed out the edge


There is a way out of the rut -


I spit mud from under the tires

Into this alien rut.

Hey, you, the ones behind! Do as I do.

This means - don't follow me.

This rut is mine alone!

Get out on your own.

Сам виноват - и слезы лью,

И охаю -

Попал в чужую колею


Я цели намечал свои

На выбор сам,

А вот теперь из колеи

Не выбраться.

Крутые скользкие края

Имеет эта колея.

Я кляну проложивших ее, -

Скоро лопнет терпенье мое,

И склоняю как школьник плохой,

Колею - в колее, с колеей...

Но почему неймется мне?

Нахальный я!

Условья, в общем, в колее


Никто не стукнет, не притрет -

Не жалуйся.

Захочешь двигаться вперед?


Отказа нет в еде-питье

В уютной этой колее,

И я живо себя убедил -

Не один я в нее угодил.

Так держать! Колесо в колесе!

И доеду туда, куда все.

Вот кто-то крикнул сам не свой:

- А ну, пусти! -

И начал спорить с колеей

По глупости.

Он в споре сжег запас до дна

Тепла души,

И полетели клапана

И вкладыши.

Но покорежил он края,

И шире стала колея.

Вдруг его обрывается след -

Чудака оттащили в кювет,

Чтоб не мог он нам, задним, мешать

По чужой колее проезжать.

Вот и ко мне пришла беда -

Стартер заел.

Теперь уж это не езда,

А ерзанье.

И надо б выйти, подтолкнуть,

Но прыти нет -

Авось подъедет кто-нибудь -

И вытянет...

Напрасно жду подмоги я, -

Чужая эта колея.

Расплеваться бы глиной и ржой

С колеей этой самой чужой, -

Тем, что я ее сам углубил,

Я у задних надежду убил.

Прошиб меня холодный пот

До косточки,

И я прошелся чуть вперед

По досточке.

Гляжу - размыли край ручьи


Там выезд есть из колеи -


Я грязью из-под шин плюю

В чужую эту колею.

Эй, вы, задние! Делай, как я.

Это значит - не надо за мной.

Колея эта - только моя!

Выбирайтесь своей колеей.

In his song "Somebody Else’s Rut" (literal translation: "Чужая колея"), Vladimir Vysotsky uses the metaphor of a rut to discuss conformity, inertia, and the fear of change.

The lyrical hero finds himself in "somebody else’s rut," which symbolizes an imposed life path that he did not choose. He understands that it will be difficult to turn away from it ("steep and slippery edges"), but he does not dare to take action. He is frightened by the example of the "eccentric" who tried to fight the system ("argued with the rut") and was eventually destroyed ("dragged into the ditch").

The hero justifies his inaction with the comfort of habit ("the conditions, in general, in the rut are normal") and the illusion of security ("nobody will hit you, nobody will push you"). He prefers to go with the flow, hoping that he will "get to where everyone else is going."

However, the metaphor of the "starter" shows that passivity does not guarantee a trouble-free existence. Even on a well-trodden path, difficulties can arise.

At the end of the song, the hero unexpectedly finds an "exit from the rut" – an opportunity to change his life. He encourages others to follow his example ("Do as I do"), but emphasizes the importance of one's own path: "This rut is mine alone! Find your own way out."

Thus, the song "Somebody Else’s Rut" is a philosophical reflection on the right to choose and the responsibility for one's destiny. It encourages us not to be afraid to change our lives, even if it seems difficult and dangerous.

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