The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Chess Crown Glory: 2. The Game" (Chest schahmatnoy koronyi: 2.Igra) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

We just landed, immediately sat down,

All the pieces are set in their place,

Photo reporters flocked around,

Blinding us with flashes, trying to throw us off our game.

But even back home, who could outplay me?

Reporters can't knock me off my feet,

My lack of skill will be my advantage,

This Fischer won't be able to manage

To guess my next move, not even a beat.

It's his turn, he's playing black, they say,

He's a master with the white pieces, it's true,

He made his move, E2 to E4, they say,

Something familiar about it, déjà vu.

My turn now, what should I do, Seva?

Like wandering blindly in the taiga at night,

I remember, the queen's the most important of all,

Moves back and forth, left and right, you recall,

And the knights, they only move in an "L" shape, that's right.

Ah, thank you, my friend from the factory,

He taught me how the pieces move and attack,

It turned out later, out of fear, you see,

I had just played a classical attack.

I watch carefully, making sure there's no mistake,

Remembering the cook with longing and despair,

Ah, if only I could trade these pawns for a drink,

The board would become instantly clear.

I see him aiming for a fork, I do declare,

He wants to eat, and I wouldn't mind the queen,

With such a snack and a bottle, I wouldn't care,

But drinking during a match is obscene.

I'm hungry, judge for yourselves, it's true,

They only offer coffee and omelets here,

The squares blur before my eyes, it's true,

I'm confusing kings with aces, it's true,

And with the opening, a couplet, I fear.

There's a saying, and I'm taking a chance,

Beginners always have luck on their side,

I'll wear him down, I'll make him prance,

If I could just get my queen to the other side.

I'm not rushing, not panicking, feeling like mush,

I need to make a move, it's time, I suppose,

Attacking with the rook seems a bit too much,

To the right, to the jaw, feels a bit too harsh,

A bit awkward, like this, my first game, you know.

And he's breaking down my defense with might,

The old Indian defense, in a blink of an eye,

This vaguely reminds me of a fight,

The Indo-Pakistani incident, oh my.

He shouldn't joke around with us, that's for sure,

I have my limits, even two, you see,

If he checkmates me, that's for sure,

I'll take him down with a leg sweep, that's for sure,

Or a knight to the head, you wait and see.

I added a bit more vigor to my game,

Things aren't so gloomy up close, you see,

In the world of chess, a pawn can make a name,

If it practices to be a queen, you see.

Fischer started resorting to tricks,

He'd stand up, walk around, and sit back down,

He offered to swap rooks, what a fix,

He shouldn't be so fearless of my frown,

When I, lying down, bench press 150 pounds.

I measured his figure with a glance,

And when he declared check, I must say,

I flexed my bicep, just by chance,

Even took off my jacket, just in case.

And instantly, silence fell in the hall,

He noticed me rising from my seat,

It seems he lost his interest in the game, that's all,

And the famed, notorious Bobby Fischer,

Right then and there, agreed to a draw, that's all.

Только прилетели, сразу сели,

Фишки все заранее стоят,

Фоторепортёры налетели

И слепят, и с толку сбить хотят.

Но меня и дома кто положи,т

Репортёрам с ног меня не сбить,

Мне же неумение поможет,

Этот Шифер ни за что не сможет

Угадать чем буду я ходить.

Выпало ходить ему, задире,

Говорят, он белыми мастак,

Сделал ход с Е два на Е четыре,

Что-то мне знакомое, так-так.

Ход за мной, что делать надо, Сева,

Наугад как ночью по тайге,

Помню, всех главнее королева,

Ходит взад-вперед и вправо-влево,

Ну, а кони только буквой Г.

Эх, спасибо заводскому другу,

Научил как ходят, как сдают,

Выяснилось позже, я с испугу

Разыграл классический дебют.

Всё гляжу, чтоб не было промашки,

Всё вспоминаю повара в тоске,

Эх, сменить бы пешки на рюмашки,

Сразу б прояснилось на доске.

Вижу, он нацеливает вилку,

Хочет есть, и я бы съел ферзя,

Под такой бы закусь да бутылку,

Но во время матча пить нельзя.

Я голодный, посудите сами,

Здесь у них лишь кофе да омлет,

Клетки, как круги, перед глазами,

Королей я путаю с тузами,

И с дебютом путаю дуплет.

Есть примета, вот я и рискую,

В первый раз должно мне повезти,

Да я его замучу, зашахую,

Мне бы только дамку провести.

Не мычу, не телюсь, весь как вата,

Надо что-то бить, уже пора,

Чем же бить, ладьею страшновато,

Справа в челюсть вроде рановато,

Неудобно как-то, первая игра.

А он мою защиту разрушает

Старую индийскую в момент,

Это смутно мне напоминает

Индо-пакистанский инцидент.

Только зря он шутит с нашим братом,

У меня есть мера, даже две,

Если он меня прикончит матом,

Так я его через бедро с захватом

Или ход конём по голове.

Я ещё чуток добавил прыти,

Всё не так уж сумрачно вблизи,

В мире шахмат пешка может выйти,

Если тренируется в ферзи.

Шифер стал на хитрости пускаться,

Встанет, пробежится и назад,

Предложил турами поменяться,

Ну ещё б ему меня не опасаться,

Когда я лежа жму сто пятьдесят.

Я его фигурку смерил оком,

И когда он объявил мне шах,

Обнажил я бицепс ненароком,

Даже снял для верности пиджак.

И мгновенно в зале стало тише,

Он заметил, что я привстаю,

Видно, ему стало не до фишек,

И хвалёный пресловутый Фишер

Тут же согласился на ничью.

The song "Honor of the Chess Crown: 2. The Game" by Vladimir Vysotsky tells the story of a chess match between an ordinary Soviet worker and a chess champion, presumably Bobby Fischer.

The text is full of humor and irony, highlighting the gap between the world of professional chess and an average person. The lyrical hero is an enthusiastic beginner, barely familiar with the rules. He is nervous, mixes up the pieces, and dreams of "exchanging pawns for shots". Instead of chess terms, he uses boxing jargon: "a right hook to the jaw", "a hip throw", "a knight's move to the head".

Despite his lack of experience, the hero is determined and confident that his "ineptness" will confuse the renowned opponent. In the end, the confrontation ends in a draw, but not due to the hero's skills, but because of his physical strength, which he demonstrates by "flexing his bicep".

The song ridicules snobbery and the fear of authority figures. Vysotsky shows that even in an intellectual competition, common sense and simple courage can come out on top.

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