The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Black peacoats" (Chyornyie buschlatyi) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Falls are behind us, and sunsets,

Oh, if only a tiny, invisible ascent!

I want to believe that our black peacoats

Will give us the chance to see the sunrise today.

They said in public today: "Die heroically!"

We'll try, alright! We'll see what turn it takes.

I just thought, strangers smoking their cigarettes:

"Here everyone as they can - it's important for me to see the sunrise."

A special company is a special honor for a sapper.

Don't jump on my back from the branches with a knife,

It's useless to try - even with my throat slit

Today I will see the sunrise before my end.

We walked through the rear, holding on so as not to cut them in their sleep,

And suddenly I noticed, when we had made our way through,

A still unblown, green, but sensitive dandelion

Had already turned its top towards the sunrise.

Behind our backs at six-thirty remained - I know -

Not only falls, sunsets, but ascent and sunrise.

Two bare wires, gritting my teeth, I strip,

I haven't seen the sunrise, but I understand: any minute now - and it will rise.

...The thinned company is returning to us.

What happened is not important, only the blown-up fort is important.

I want to believe that our rough work

Gives you the opportunity to see the sunrise duty-free.

Посвящается евпаторийскому десанту

За нашей спиной остались паденья, закаты,

Ну хоть бы ничтожный, ну хоть бы невидимый взлет!

Мне хочется верить, что черные наши бушлаты

Дадут нам возможность сегодня увидеть восход.

Сегодня на людях сказали: "Умрите геройски!"

Попробуем - ладно! Увидим, какой оборот.

Я только подумал, чужие куря папироски:

"Тут кто как сумеет, - мне важно увидеть восход."

Особая рота - особый почет для сапера.

Не прыгайте с финкой на спину мою из ветвей,

Напрасно стараться, - я и с перерезанным горлом

Сегодня увижу восход до развязки своей.

Прошли по тылам мы, держась, чтоб не резать их сонных,

И вдруг я заметил, когда прокусили проход, -

Еще несмышленый, зеленый, но чуткий подсолнух

Уже повернулся верхушкой своей на восход.

За нашей спиною в шесть тридцать остались - я знаю, -

Не только паденья, закаты, но взлет и восход.

Два провода голых, зубами скрипя, зачищаю, -

Восхода не видел, но понял: вот-вот - и взойдет.

...Уходит обратно на нас поредевшая рота.

Что было - не важно, а важен лишь взорваный форт.

Мне хочется верить, что грубая наша работа

Вам дарит возможность беспошлинно видеть восход.

Vladimir Vysotsky's poem "Black Pea Coats" is filled with profound meaning and tragedy, reflecting the experiences of a soldier at war. The text is imbued with themes of despair, hope, and self-sacrifice for the sake of the future.

A Sense of Hopelessness: The poem begins with a statement about numerous falls and sunsets, symbolizing defeats and failures. The lyrical hero craves even a small victory, "at least an invisible rise," which emphasizes his weariness from defeats. The black pea coats, a symbol of death and mourning, paradoxically give hope to see the dawn – a symbol of a new beginning and victory.

Readiness for Self-Sacrifice: The order "Die heroically!" is perceived by the hero with bitterness and irony. He is ready to fulfill his duty, but he is more concerned with the opportunity to see the sunrise – a symbol of a better future, which he is bringing closer with his sacrifice. The phrase "it's important for me to see the sunrise" is key, it shows that the hero is fighting not for glory, but for the future, which he may not see.

Faith in the Future: The image of a sunflower turned towards the sunrise symbolizes hope and faith in the future. Despite the horrors of war, life goes on, and there is a place for faith in the best. Even in the face of death, the hero continues to fight, "stripping the wires", to bring victory closer.

The Legacy of Feat: The final lines are an appeal to descendants. The hero believes that his sacrifice, the "rough work" of war, will give future generations the opportunity to live a peaceful life and meet the sunrises without the horror of war.

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