The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The Chess Crown's Honor. Preparation" (Chest schahmatnoy koronyi. Podgotovka) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

"Are you crazy over there?

You've dropped the chess prestige!" I cried.

They told me in our sports department:

"Aha, great - you'll be the one to defend it!

But keep in mind that Fischer is very bright,

Even sleeps with the board - his strength is in it.

He plays cleanly, without any flaws..."

That's alright, I'm no picnic either,

I have a knight's move in reserve.

Oh, you steel muscles,

My tenacious fingers!

Oh, you carved, painted,

Wooden rooks!

My friend, the football player, taught me: "Don't be scared,

He's not used to opponents like you.

Don't worry about your back or the center,

Just play directly, along the edge!"

I trained in running, in sprints,

Lost weight in the sauna, I sleep perfectly.

I've had hockey training...

In short, after all this preparation,

I'll crush him without breaking a sweat!

Oh, you strong palms,

Muscles of my sturdy back!

Oh, you my knights, my knights,

Oh, you dear bishops!

"Don't rush and, most importantly, don't hunch over,"

The boxer advised me.

"Don't engage in close combat, work the body.

Remember, your knockout punch is the straight right."

The honor of the chess crown is at stake,

He won't escape defeat:

Tal and I played ten games -

Preferans, Oчко, and billiards,

Tal said: "This one won't let you down!"

Oh, the relief of musculature!

Deltoids - strong!

What do I need these light figures for -

These knights and bishops!

And in the buffet, closed to others,

The chef reassured me: "Don't you worry!

With such a great appetite,

You'll swallow all his knights in one go!

Sit down before the long journey,

And take a backpack with food.

Prepare an Easter cake for two:

This Fischer, though a genius,

Must enjoy a good meal too!"

Oh, we are tough nuts to crack!

We'll bring the crown home!

I go to bed a pawn, it seems,

I wake up a queen!

Я кричал: "Вы что ж там, обалдели?

Уронили шахматный престиж!"

Мне сказали в нашем спортотделе:

"Ага, прекрасно - ты и защитишь!

Но учти, что Фишер очень ярок,

Даже спит с доскою - сила в ём

Он играет чисто, без помарок..."

Ничего, я тоже не подарок,

У меня в запасе - ход конем

Ох вы мускулы стальные

Пальцы цепкие мои!

Эх, резные, расписные

Деревянные ладьи!

Друг мой, футболист, учил: "Не бойся,

Он к таким партнерам не привык

За тылы и центр не беспокойся

А играй по краю - напрямик!."

Я налег на бег, на стометровки

В бане вес согнал, отлично сплю

Были по хоккею тренировки...

В общем, после этой подготовки

Я его без мата задавлю!

Ох вы сильные ладони

Мышцы крепкие спины!

Эх вы кони мои, кони

Ох вы милые слоны!

"Не спеши и, главное, не горбись,

Так боксер беседовал со мной.

В ближний бой не лезь, работай в корпус

Помни, что коронный твой - прямой"

Честь короны шахматной - на карте,

Он от пораженья не уйдет:

Мы сыграли с Талем десять партий

В преферанс, в очко и на бильярде,

Таль сказал: "Такой не подведет!"

Ох, рельеф мускулатуры!

Дельтовидные - сильны!

Что мне легкие фигуры

Эти кони да слоны!

И в буфете, для других закрытом

Повар успокоил: "Не робей!

Ты с таким прекрасным аппетитом

Враз проглотишь всех его коней!

Ты присядь перед дорогой дальней

И бери с питанием рюкзак

На двоих готовь пирог пасхальный:

Этот Шифер - хоть и гениальный,

А небось покушать не дурак!"

Ох мы - крепкие орешки!

Мы корону - привезем!

Спать ложусь я - вроде пешки

Просыпаюся - ферзем!

The lyrics of Vladimir Vysotsky's song "The Honour of the Chess Crown" present a humorous take on preparing for a chess match against a strong opponent, most likely Bobby Fischer.

The meaning of the lyrics:

The lyrical hero, from whose perspective the story is told, uses unconventional methods to prepare for the chess battle. Instead of studying chess theory and the opponent's games, he trains intensely physically, consulting with representatives of various sports: a football player, a hockey player, a boxer. He runs sprints, loses weight in the bathhouse, and practices punches. Even the cook cheers up the hero, advising him to "swallow the opponent's knights."

This approach is absurd and comical because intellect, strategic thinking, and the ability to calculate moves in advance are important in chess, not physical strength.

The humor of the lyrics:

The humor is based on the contrast between the seriousness of the event (defending the honor of the chess crown) and the absurdity of the preparation methods. The hero confuses the opponent's last name ("Schiffer" instead of "Fischer"), considers the "knight's move" his secret weapon, and perceives chess pieces as real animals ("cute elephants").

The image of the lyrical hero:

The lyrical hero is a simple, self-confident, and naive person who does not understand chess but sacredly believes in success due to his physical fitness and the advice of "experienced" people.


The song "The Honour of the Chess Crown" is a satirical look at the sports environment, ridiculing formalism and "window dressing." Vysotsky ironically depicts blind faith in strength, contrasting it with intellect and skill.

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