The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Storm" (Schtorm) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

We say not "storms," but "storma" instead -

The words ring out, both short and full of zest:

"Vetra" - not "vetry" - drive us half-mad,

Uprooting masts from decks, so grim and sad.

We've put a ban on omens, it is true -

We trust the compass and the ship's nose through and through.

The wind's elastic, taut, and muscular might

Stretches the skin of sails both day and night.

On starry scales - the real ones, up above -

Gray Neptune weighs the destiny we love.

And a pack of hounds, those hungry, Hunting Dogs,

Howling with fervor, drive us to the fogs.

We are a phantom of a legendary chase,

Rocking within the constellation of Libra's grace.

As if the wind's own currents grew more keen -

And rip the very skin of sails unseen.

Along our course - another vessel's shade,

It sailed - and through the storms, no headway stayed.

Look there - upon the yardarm, swaying free,

A noose hangs limp, for hanged men, longingly!

Fate dealt with

Мы говорим не "штормы", а "шторма" -

Слова выходят коротки и смачны:

"Ветра" - не "ветры" - сводят нас с ума,

Из палуб выкорчевывая мачты.

Мы на приметы наложили вето -

Мы чтим чутье компасов и носов.

Упругие тугие мышцы ветра

Натягивают кожу парусов.

На чаше звездных - подлинных - Весов

Седой Нептун судьбу решает нашу,

И стая псов, голодных Гончих псов,

Надсадно воя, гонит нас на Чашу.

Мы - призрак легендарного корвета,

Качаемся в созвездии Весов.

И словно заострились струи ветра -

И вспарывают кожу парусов.

По курсу - тень другого корабля,

Он шел - и в штормы хода не снижая.

Глядите - вон болтается петля

На рее, по повешенным скучая!

С ним Провиденье поступило круто:

Лишь вечный штиль - и прерван ход часов, -

Попутный ветер словно бес попутал -

Он больше не находит парусов.

Нам кажется, мы слышим чей-то зов -

Таинственные четкие сигналы...

Не жажда славы, гонок и призов

Бросает нас на гребни и на скалы.

Изведать то, чего не ведал сроду, -

Глазами, ртом и кожей пить простор!.

Кто в океане видит только воду -

Тот на земле не замечает гор.

Пой, ураган, нам злые песни в уши,

Под череп проникай и в мысли лезь,

Лей звездный дождь, вселяя в наши души

Землей и морем вечную болезнь!

Vladimir Vysotsky's poem "The Storm" is a hymn to the courage, thirst for adventure, and desire for knowledge inherent in true sailors.

From the very first lines, Vysotsky plunges us into the atmosphere of the sea. The use of colloquialisms like "шторма" (storms) and "ветра" (winds) not only creates a sense of authenticity but also conveys the power and indomitability of nature that the sailors face.

The image of the "taut muscles of the wind" stretching the "skin of the sails" emphasizes the confrontation between man and nature, where man is not a passive observer but an active fighter who challenges fate.

The motif of fate and destiny runs throughout the poem. Gray-haired Neptune, the "pack of dogs, hungry Hounds of Heaven," chasing the ship to the "Cup" – all these images create a sense of inevitability, of the fatality of what is happening. The ship and its crew are likened to "the ghost of a legendary corvette," swaying on the scales of fate.

The encounter with the ghost ship, which perished in calm waters, is a warning and a reminder that danger can lie in wait not only in a raging storm but also in deceptive tranquility.

However, despite the fear of death, the thirst for life and the desire for knowledge are stronger. Vysotsky's sailors do not seek easy ways; they are driven by "not a thirst for glory, races, and prizes," but by a desire "to experience what they have never known before," to "drink in the vastness with their eyes, mouths, and skin."

The final lines of the poem are a challenge to the elements, a willingness to accept them in all their power and beauty. "Pour your starry rain, instilling in our souls / The eternal sickness of earth and sea!" - this is not a plea for mercy, but a passionate desire to live life to the fullest, to merge with nature, even if this connection brings pain and suffering.

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