The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Anthem to the Sea and Mountains" (Gimn moryu i goram) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

The weather’s ordered for us by Lady Luck herself,

Fair winds promised ‘neath the keel to spare,

And Heaven shares its blue with the ocean’s swell –

Two shades of blue upon the skyline there.

Is it not true, the sea’s inebriate expanse

Is kin to mountains in its fury, peace, and craze:

The waves’ white manes are pure, like snow on peaks that dance,

And troughs between them – like abysses in a daze!

To serve the elements allows for no delay,

The meridian to two poles will lead the way.

Blessed be the ridges in their constancy,

Blessed be the Ocean’s vast divinity.

Great Fortune is our brother, Luck is sister too,

Though – just in case – a touch of fear we hold.

On land they wished us luck, our ventures through,

The constellations are auspiciously enrolled.

We’re forward-looking, starting from the very start,

And if ill luck befalls one soul among us here –

We change our course, for SOS we play our part,

As on the mountains, answering a call so clear.

To serve the elements allows for no delay,

The meridian to two poles will lead the way.

Blessed be the ridges in their constancy,

Blessed be the Ocean’s vast divinity.

Our losses we will count when the storm has passed and gone,

By salt, not gray hairs, seasoned and made wise –

A single, frugal tear, by the vast ocean drawn,

Will wash our faces, now with insight in our eyes…

The peak is taken – mastheads pierce the heavens high!

From heavens down to earth – a fleeting moment’s stay:

Our voyage barely done, we raise our sails and fly –

And thus begin our new ascent, without delay.

To serve the elements allows for no delay,

The meridian to two poles will lead the way.

Blessed be the ridges in their constancy,

Blessed be the Ocean’s vast divinity.

Заказана погода нам Удачею самой,

Довольно футов нам под киль обещано,

И небо поделилось с океаном синевой -

Две синевы у горизонта скрещены.

Не правда ли, морской хмельной невиданный простор

Сродни горам в безумстве, буйстве, кротости:

Седые гривы волн чисты, как снег на пиках гор,

И впадины меж ними - словно пропасти!

Служение стихиям не терпит суеты,

К двум полюсам ведет меридиан.

Благословенны вечные хребты,

Благословен Великий океан.

Нам сам Великий случай - брат, Везение - сестра,

Хотя - на всякий случай - мы встревожены.

На суше пожелали нам ни пуха ни пера,

Созвездья к нам прекрасно расположены.

Мы все - впередсмотрящие, все начали с азов,

И если у кого-то невезение -

Меняем курс, идем на SOS, как там, в горах, - на зов,

На помощь, прерывая восхождение.

Служение стихиям не терпит суеты,

К двум полюсам ведет меридиан.

Благословенны вечные хребты,

Благословен Великий океан.

Потери подсчитаем мы, когда пройдет гроза, -

Не сединой, а солью убеленные, -

Скупая океанская огромная слеза

Умоет наши лица просветленные...

Взята вершина - клотики вонзились в небеса!

С небес на землю - только на мгновение:

Едва закончив рейс, мы поднимаем паруса -

И снова начинаем восхождение.

Служение стихиям не терпит суеты,

К двум полюсам ведет меридиан.

Благословенны вечные хребты,

Благословен Великий океан.

This song by Vladimir Vysotsky, "Hymn to the Sea and Mountains," celebrates the unity of man and nature, the triumph of freedom and the thirst for discovery. The lyrical hero is part of a team conquering the vastness of the ocean. The sea and mountains are presented as two elements, related in their power, beauty, and grandeur.

The author draws parallels between the depths of the sea and the peaks of the mountains: "The gray manes of the waves are as pure as snow on the mountain peaks, and the hollows between them are like abysses!" Both images symbolize a challenge to the human spirit, a thirst for knowledge and overcoming.

"Service to the elements does not tolerate vanity" - this line emphasizes the need for complete dedication, concentration, and respect for the forces of nature. A sea voyage is likened to climbing mountains: in both cases, unity, mutual assistance, and a willingness to come to the rescue are important.

"The constellations are beautifully arranged for us" - hope for good luck is combined with sober calculation and a willingness to face difficulties. "We will count the losses when the storm has passed" - the awareness of risks and the inevitability of losses does not stop the heroes, but only hardens their spirit.

The finale of the song is imbued with optimism and faith in one's own strength. The summit reached is not the end of the journey, but only a brief moment of triumph. Having raised their sails, the heroes again set off to meet new challenges and accomplishments.

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