The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The Ride of Nightingale the Robber" (Vyiezd Solovya-razboynika) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Deep within the dark, dense wood,

Through damp hollows, branches crude,

And badger burrows, we reside,

With boredom, yearning deep inside.

Why do we sit here, idly bound,

With gloom and sadness all around?

Come on, friends, let's make a start,

And fill our hearts with joyous art!

We're a seasoned, hardy crew,

Through trials and tribulations grew,

Washed in swamps, in whirlpools soaked,

Our spirits never once were broke.

Within this forest, dark and deep,

We'll stir up mischief while you sleep,

Catch a lad, robust and bold,

Tickle him, stories to be told.

We'll muddy up the river's flow,

Hang bones on branches, watch them show,

Play our pranks, both sly and sly,

And revel in the chaos nigh.

Water spirits, goblins too,

With souls of mischief, through and through,

Your domain is on the ground,

While we on horseback race around.

The first nightingale's melodious song,

I roam carefree, where I belong,

My servants, cunning, swift, and sly,

They fill me with both fear and joy.

To shapeshifters, I'll never yield,

These tricksters, secrets unrevealed,

And when I whistle, shout, and call,

My own soul trembles, dreading the fall.

I fear no gloom, no mournful plight,

With water nymphs to grace the night,

Come out, kikimoras, join the chase,

Let's play tag in this wild embrace.

Don't wait for help, dear merchant friend,

From the woods, we'll soon descend,

Upon the highway, broad and wide,

We'll paint the town with mischief's tide.

Come now, let's roll up our sleeves,

Catch a traveler amidst the eaves,

Trip him up, leave him in the sand,

Tickle and tease with our own hand.

You slander us, with words so grand,

You clever minds, you cannot understand,

All is fair in our wicked game,

Our conscience clear, we feel no shame.

Как да во лесу дремучем,

По сырым дуплам да сучьям,

И по норам по барсучьим

Мы скучаем и канючим.

Так зачем сидим мы сиднем,

Скуку да тоску наводим?

Ну-кася, ребята, выйдем,

Весело поколобродим!

Мы - ребята битые,

Тертые, ученые.

Во болотах мытые,

В омутах моченые.

Как да во лесу дремучем

Что-нибудь да отчебучим,

Добра молодца прищучим,

Защекочем и замучим!

Воду во реке замутим.

На кустах костей навесим,

Пакостных шутих нашутим,

Весело покуролесим!

Водяные, лешие,

Души забубенные!

Ваше дело - пешие,

Наше дело - конные.

Первый соловей в округе -

Я гуляю бесшабашно.

У меня такие слуги,

Что и самому мне страшно.

К оборотням не привыкну -

До того хитры ребятки!

Да и сам я свистну, гикну -

Аж душа уходит в пятки!

Не боюсь тоски-муры,

Если есть русалочки!

Выходи, кикиморы,

Поиграем в салочки!

Ты не жди, купец, подмоги -

Мы из чащи повылазим

Да и на большой дороге

Вволюшку побезобразим!

Ну-ка, рукава засучим,

Путника во тьме прижучим,

Свалим - и в песке зыбучем

Пропесочим и прищучим!

Зря на нас клевещете,

Умники речистые!

Все путем у нечисти,

Даже совесть чистая.

The song "The Nightingale the Robber's Ride" by Vladimir Vysotsky presents a grotesque image of a wild and untamed gang of robbers.

From the very first lines, describing the robbers' habitat – a dense forest, damp hollows, badger holes – an atmosphere of gloomy mystery and danger is created. This environment becomes a symbol of remoteness from civilization, laws, and morality.

The robbers are bored in their lair, overcome by a thirst for action and destruction, they seek to "wreak havoc". They boastfully describe themselves as "beaten", "toughened", "experienced", emphasizing their rich experience in robbery. The metaphors "washed in swamps, soaked in whirlpools" enhance the impression of danger and uncleanliness emanating from these characters.

The purpose of their "ride" is to terrify the neighborhood, to "pull off" something to satisfy their predatory nature. They threaten travelers, promise to "muddy the water in the river", hang bones on the bushes. Their "fun" consists of violence, robbery, and intimidation.

The image of the Nightingale the Robber is central to the song. He appears as a kind of "chieftain" of the gang, a braggart surrounded by faithful, but even frightening to himself, werewolves. He boasts of his prowess, recklessness, closeness to evil spirits – mermaids and kikimoras.

In the last verses, the robbers directly address their potential victims - merchants, travelers, threatening them with reprisal. They cynically deny accusations of immorality, claiming that they are "doing alright" and have a "clear conscience".

The song "The Nightingale the Robber's Ride" is a striking example of the "blatnaya pesnya" genre, popular in Soviet times. It attracts the listener with its energy, rough humor, and play on fear and laughter.

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