The meaning of the lyrics of the song "And the silent ones are loved — just less often." (I molchalivyih lyubyat — tolko reje) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

The quiet ones are loved, though less often, true,

But when they're loved, it's with a love more strong.

Don't shout your tender words, don't you pursue,

Hold them captive a while, where they belong.

Let ships cry out their longing in the night,

But you, be still, be silent, don't give chase.

Rush in with words, and love will take its flight,

Like wind across an empty, open space.

She reads of sad romances, let her see,

And trust her heart to make the true compare.

For black tulips were born, so we could decree

That white ones shine with beauty beyond compare.

Don't shout your tender words, don't you pursue,

Hold them captive a while, where they belong.

Let poets and the jackdaws cry out, it's true,

But you, be still, be silent, don't prolong.

Rush in with words, and love will take its flight,

Like wind across an empty, open space.

Words rush and crowd, impatient for the light,

But never fear to linger, find your pace.

So many words, yet if you find you can,

Speak only when your silence speaks no more.

But don't shout those sweet words, don't you began,

Hold them captive a while, what are they for?

Let ships cry out their longing in the night,

Be still, be silent, let your feelings bloom.

Rush in with words, and love will take its flight,

Like wind across an empty, open room.

И молчаливых любят, только реже,

Зато уж если любят, то сильней.

Не кричи нежных слов, не кричи,

До поры подержи их в неволе.

Пусть кричат пароходы в ночи,

Ну, а ты — промолчи, помолчи,

Поспешишь — и ищи ветра в поле.

Она читает грустные романы.

Ну, пусть сравнит, и ты доверься ей.

Ведь появились чёрные тюльпаны,

Чтобы казались белые белей.

Не кричи нежных слов, не кричи,

До поры подержи их в неволе.

Пусть поэты кричат и грачи,

Ну, а ты — помолчи, промолчи,

Поспешишь — и ищи ветра в поле.

Слова бегут, им тесно — ну и что же!

Ты никогда не бойся опоздать.

Их много — слов, но всё же, если можешь,

Скажи, когда не можешь не сказать.

Но не кричи этих слов, не кричи,

До поры подержи их в неволе.

Пусть кричат пароходы в ночи.

Замолчи, промолчи, помолчи,

Поспешишь — и ищи ветра в поле.

In Vladimir Vysotsky's song "And the Silent Ones Are Loved, Though Less Often," the author reflects on the power of restraint in expressing feelings, especially in love. The lyrical hero calls for caution, for a measured approach, warning against excessive haste and assertiveness.

The main idea of the poem is that true depth of feeling does not need constant loud declarations. Silence, restraint, the ability to keep silent at the right moment are what make feelings stronger and more valuable.

The text uses vivid metaphors and imagery to convey the meaning to the listener:

"And the silent ones are loved, though less often, But when they are loved, it’s all the stronger." – The main motif is set in the very first lines – the power of an understated, restrained love.

"Don't shout your tender words, don't shout, Keep them captive for the time being." – Advice to cherish words of love, not to scatter them, so as not to devalue them.

"Let the ships shout in the night, But you - be silent, be silent, Hurry - and look for the wind in the field." – A metaphor that fuss and loud words are empty, like the wind in a field.

"She reads sad novels. Well, let her compare, and you trust her." – The belief that true love will stand up to comparison with any ideals.

"After all, black tulips have appeared, To make white ones seem whiter." – A contrast showing that the value of something is understood only in comparison.

"Words run, they are cramped - so what! Never be afraid to be late. There are many words, but still, if you can, Speak when you can't help but say." – The importance of meaningfulness, not the quantity of words spoken.

Thus, Vysotsky's song is a kind of hymn to restraint and the depth of feelings that do not need ostentatious flashiness.

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