The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The Song of the Ten Grumblers" (Zong o desyati vorchunah) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Ten grumblers gathered 'round one day,

For miracles, they say, hold sway.

One dared to claim that Goebbels lied,

Leaving nine grumblers by his side.

These nine then vowed to hold their tongue,

No longer would their grumbles be flung.

One fell to silent contemplation,

Reducing them to a group of eight.

Through leafy woods, eight grumblers strolled,

As nature's beauty they extolled.

One paused to jot some thoughts with glee,

Leaving a merry band of seven, you see.

Seven grumblers then sought a bite,

In a bustling cafe, shining bright.

One grimaced, "This food's a disgrace!"

Leaving six grumblers to embrace.

To a grand parade, six did stride,

With pomp and circumstance as their guide.

One yearned to stray, to break the line,

A stormtrooper's keen eye did shine.

Now, only five remained in the fray,

As their comrade was whisked away.

Five grumblers gathered for a chat,

In one's abode, where stories were at.

Mendelssohn's tunes, he chose to play,

Leaving four grumblers to while the day away.

Four grumblers met, their woes to share,

Of a better world, beyond compare.

Yet, someone's son, their whispers caught,

Leaving three grumblers, deep in thought.

Three grumblers then did slowly roam,

Along the boulevard, toward their home.

One scratched his head, a pondering sign,

Leaving just two, their thoughts entwined.

Two grumblers picked up "Mein Kampf" with care,

"Let's see what wisdom we can snare."

One yawned, weary of the hateful script,

Leaving one grumbler, his spirit to uplift.

This lone grumbler, his song he did intone,

A dangerous act, 'twas clearly known.

They could have hanged him, high in the air,

But to Dachau he was sent, to despair.

Ten grumblers reunited once more,

In Dachau's depths, their spirits sore.

Adolf declared, "Their end is near,

No more dissent will they endear."

Yet, grumbles arose, a resilient sound,

For millions more like them could be found.

In every corner, their whispers would reside,

Ten million grumbles, they couldn't hide.

Собрались десять ворчунов

Есть чудеса везде ведь

Один сказал, что Геббельс врет

И их осталось девять

Решили девять ворчунов

Теперь болтать мы бросим

Один стал молча размышлять

И их осталось восемь

Гуляли восемь ворчунов

Кругом лесная сень

Один вдруг что-то записал

И их осталось семь

Семь ворчунов зашли в кафе

Чего-нибудь поесть

Один скривился - вот бурда

И их осталось шесть

Шесть ворчунов шли на парад

Один хотел отстать

Его заметил штурмовик

И их осталось пять

Пять ворчунов сидели раз

У одного в квартире

Он Мендельсона заиграл

И их уже четыре

Сошлись четыре ворчуна

Вздыхать о лучшем строе

Но чей-то вздох подслушал сын

И их осталось трое

Три ворчуна бульваром шли

Плелись едва-едва

Один в затылке почесал

И их осталось два

Два ворчуна берут "Main Kampf",

Давай, мол, поглядим,

Один, устав читать, зевнул

И их уже один

Ворчун вот эту песню спел

Его могли повесить

Но лишь отправили в Дахау

Там встретились все десять

Адольф решил - ну, им капут

Не будут куролесить

Но ворчуны - и там, и тут

Их - миллионов десять

Vladimir Vysotsky's song "The Ballad of Ten Grumblers" uses a satirical narrative to convey a deeper meaning, reflecting the atmosphere of fear and repression under a totalitarian regime.

The ten grumblers are a collective representation of people who are not afraid to speak their minds, even if it's just in the form of grumbling. They question official propaganda ("one said that Goebbels lied"), criticize the established order ("six grumblers were going to the parade, one wanted to stay behind"), and seek alternative sources of information ("two grumblers take "Mein Kampf", let's have a look, they say").

Gradually, under various pretexts, the grumblers disappear: one starts to "think silently", another writes something down, and another simply scratches the back of his head. These seemingly innocuous actions are interpreted as sedition, and the grumblers are subjected to repression: one is arrested by a stormtrooper, another is sent to the Dachau concentration camp.

The climax of the song is the meeting of all ten grumblers in Dachau. This detail emphasizes the totalitarian nature of the repressions: any form of dissent, even harmless grumbling, is punishable.

The final lines of the song – "Adolf decided - well, they're kaput… But the grumblers - here and there, there are ten million of them" – sound not just pessimistic, but prophetic. Despite the repression, the spirit of freethinking cannot be broken. The "ten million" grumblers symbolize the unquenchable thirst for truth and justice that lives in the hearts of people, no matter what.

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