The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Here the paws of the spruce tremble in the air." (Zdes lapyi u eli drojat na vesu) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Here spruce paws tremble in the air,

Here birds twitter anxiously,

You live in an enchanted wild forest,

From which it is impossible to leave.

Let the bird cherry trees dry like clothes in the wind,

Let the lilacs fall with the rain,

I will still take you away from here

To the palace where the pipes are playing.

Your world is hidden by wizards for thousands of years

From me and from the light,

And you think that there is nothing more beautiful,

Than this enchanted forest.

Let there be no dew on the leaves in the morning,

Let the moon quarrel with the cloudy sky,

All the same, I will take you away from here

To a bright tower with a balcony overlooking the sea.

On what day of the week, at what hour

Will you come out to me cautiously,

When I take you in my arms

To a place where it is impossible to find.

I will steal you, if theft is to your liking,

Have I wasted so much energy in vain,

Agree at least to paradise in a hut,

If someone has occupied the tower with the palace.

Agree at least to paradise in a hut,

If someone has occupied the tower with the palace.

Здесь лапы у елей дрожат на весу,

Здесь птицы щебечут тревожно,

Живёшь в заколдованном диком лесу,

Откуда уйти невозможно.

Пусть черёмухи сохнут бельём на ветру,

Пусть дождём опадают сирени,

Всё равно я отсюда тебя заберу

Во дворец, где играют свирели.

Твой мир колдунами на тысячи лет

Укрыт от меня и от света,

И думаешь ты, что прекраснее нет,

Чем лес заколдованный этот.

Пусть на листьях не будет росы по утру,

Пусть луна с небом пасмурным в ссоре,

Всё равно, я отсюда тебя заберу

В светлый терем с балконом на море.

В какой день недели, в котором часу

Ты выйдешь ко мне осторожно,

Когда я тебя на руках унесу

Туда, где найти невозможно.

Украду, если кража тебе по душе,

Зря ли я столько сил разбазарил,

Соглашайся хотя бы на рай в шалаше,

Если терем с дворцом кто-то занял.

Соглашайся хотя бы на рай в шалаше,

Если терем с дворцом кто-то занял.

In Vladimir Vysotsky's song "Here, the Fir Trees' Paws Tremble in Midair," the hero addresses his beloved, who seems trapped in an "enchanted, wild forest." The lyrics are full of metaphorical imagery conveying the idea of overcoming obstacles for love.

The "enchanted forest" is a metaphor for the closed-off world in which the hero's beloved lives. This world can be interpreted in various ways: it could be social conventions restricting her freedom, internal fears and complexes, or even just a lack of understanding from those around her. What's important is that this world seems alien and even hostile to the hero: "here, the fir trees' paws tremble in midair," "here, the birds twitter anxiously."

The hero contrasts this world with his own, full of light, joy, and music: "a palace where clarinets play," "a bright tower with a balcony overlooking the sea." He promises to free his beloved from her confinement, no matter what: "all the same, I will take you away from here." He's ready for anything for her, even theft: "I'll steal you away if you like."

However, the ending of the song sounds somewhat ambiguous. The offer of "paradise in a hut" can be interpreted as the hero's willingness to compromise, to live a more modest life, if "the tower and palace are occupied by someone else." Perhaps he understands that he is not omnipotent, and that happiness is possible even away from luxury and splendor.

Overall, the song "Here, the Fir Trees' Paws Tremble in Midair" is a hymn to love that can overcome any obstacle. It speaks of the power of feelings, the willingness to fight for one's happiness, and the hope that love can break down even the strongest walls.

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