The meaning of the lyrics of the song "This is not a plain." (Zdes vam ne ravnina) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

This isn't the plains, the climate's different here,

Avalanches fall one after another,

And rockfalls roar after each rockfall.

You could turn away, go around the cliff,

But we choose the hard path,

Dangerous, like a wartime trail.

You could turn away, go around the cliff,

But we choose the hard path,

Dangerous, like a wartime trail.

Those who haven't been here, haven't taken the risk,

Haven't truly tested themselves,

Even if they've grasped stars from the sky below.

Down there, no matter how hard you try, you won't find

In your entire happy life

A tenth of such beauty and wonder.

Down there, no matter how hard you try, you won't find

In your entire happy life

A tenth of such beauty and wonder.

There are no red roses or mourning ribbons,

And the stone that grants you peace

Doesn't resemble a monument.

The peak, with its emerald ice,

Which you never conquered,

Sparkles like an Eternal Flame.

The peak, with its emerald ice,

Which you never conquered,

Sparkles like an Eternal Flame.

Let them talk, yes, let them talk,

But no, no one dies in vain,

It's better than from vodka and colds.

Others will come, trading comfort

For risk and immense labor,

They will traverse the route you haven't conquered.

Others will come, trading comfort

For risk and immense labor,

They will traverse the route you haven't conquered.

Sheer walls, don't you dare tempt fate,

Don't rely on luck here,

In the mountains, nothing is reliable,

Neither stone, nor ice, nor rock.

We rely only on the strength of our hands,

On the hands of a friend and a hammered hook,

And pray that the insurance won't fail.

We rely only on the strength of our hands,

On the hands of a friend and a hammered hook,

And pray that the insurance won't fail.

We carve steps, not a step back,

And our knees tremble with the strain,

And our hearts are ready to leap out of our chests to reach the summit.

The whole world is in the palm of your hand, you're happy and speechless,

And only slightly envious of those

Who still have their summit ahead.

The whole world is in the palm of your hand, you're happy and speechless,

And only slightly envious of those

Who still have their summit ahead.

Здесь вам не равнина, здесь климат иной,

Идут лавины одна за одной,

И здесь за камнепадом ревёт камнепад.

И можно свернуть, обрыв обогнуть,

Но мы выбираем трудный путь,

Опасный, как военная тропа.

И можно свернуть, обрыв обогнуть,

Но мы выбираем трудный путь,

Опасный, как военная тропа.

Кто здесь не бывал, кто не рисковал,

Тот сам себя не испытал,

Пусть даже внизу он звёзды хватал с небес.

Внизу не встретишь, как не тянись,

За всю свою счастливую жизнь

Десятой доли таких красот и чудес.

Внизу не встретишь, как не тянись,

За всю свою счастливую жизнь

Десятой доли таких красот и чудес.

Нет алых роз и траурных лент,

И не похож на монумент

Тот камень, что покой тебе подарил.

Как Вечным огнём сверкает днём

Вершина изумрудным льдом,

Которую ты так и не покорил.

Как Вечным огнём сверкает днём

Вершина изумрудным льдом,

Которую ты так и не покорил.

И пусть говорят, да, пусть говорят,

Но нет, никто не гибнет зря,

Так лучше, чем от водки и от простуд.

Другие придут, сменив уют

На риск и непомерный труд,

Пройдут тобой не пройденный маршрут.

Другие придут, сменив уют

На риск и непомерный труд,

Пройдут тобой не пройденный маршрут.

Отвесные стены, а ну, не зевай,

Ты здесь на везение не уповай,

В горах ненадежны

Ни камень, ни лёд, ни скала.

Надеемся только на крепость рук,

На руки друга и вбитый крюк,

И молимся, чтобы страховка не подвела.

Надеемся только на крепость рук,

На руки друга и вбитый крюк,

И молимся, чтобы страховка не подвела.

Мы рубим ступени, ни шагу назад,

И от напряженья колени дрожат,

И сердце готово к вершине бежать из груди.

Весь мир на ладони, ты счастлив и нем,

И только немного завидуешь тем,

Другим, у которых вершина ещё впереди.

Весь мир на ладони, ты счастлив и нем,

И только немного завидуешь тем,

Другим, у которых вершина ещё впереди.

The song "This is not a plain for you" by Vladimir Vysotsky expresses the philosophy of mountaineering, but it can also be interpreted more broadly as a metaphor for the journey of life. The lyrical hero, an experienced climber, describes the difficulties and dangers of climbing in the mountains, which become a symbol of trials and obstacles in life.

He emphasizes the conscious choice of a difficult path full of risk and hardship ("we choose the difficult path"), contrasting it with an easy and safe, but meaningless life on the plain ("this is not a plain for you"). The hero affirms the value of risk and self-overcoming, because this is the only way to test yourself and see the true beauty of the world ("Those who have not been here, who have not taken risks, have not tested themselves").

The text contains the theme of memory and continuity of generations. Death in the mountains, although tragic, is not meaningless - it is contrasted with death from ordinariness ("better than from vodka and colds"). The departed are replaced by new ones, continuing their work ("Others will come, replacing comfort with risk and excessive labor").

The key idea of the song is the glorification of courage, perseverance, brotherhood, the ability to rely on oneself and comrades ("we hope only for the strength of our hands, the hands of a friend and a hammered hook"). The final lines convey the delight and feeling of fullness of life available only to those who are not afraid to challenge fate and rise above the ordinary ("The whole world is in the palm of your hand, you are happy and dumb").

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