The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Ivan and Marya" (Ivan da Marya) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Here comes dashing trouble -

The gates are already opening, -

So the hour has struck when

Women's tears dry up.

So there is no more room

Neither for amusements, nor for dresses.

If there are seven troubles - one answer, -

So let them until better years

Our troubles will be near.

You can't hold me back with persuasion.

I sacredly believe - isn't it in him?

Let black ravens circle above him,

But he is dear to me even in captivity.

Matchmakers have arrived,

As if for laughter, for fun, -

Ah, their jokes, jokes:

This will never happen.

How do they know: they sing around,

And I myself misheard,

How in some unknown year

Suddenly became one flower

Two flowers - Ivan da Marya.

Path-road - is it this one or that one, -

In pitch darkness, with torment and pain,

To hell itself, to the ends of the earth, -

Lead me to him, even into captivity.

Good winds, secretly

Sneak into the dungeon -

Let him know about it

That the soul yearns for him.

Let his heart not fall

And don't think bad,

Let him hope and wait -

Marya's help will come

Soon, soon, true to the word.

Let him not grieve, let him not suffer,

It is not for nothing that a flower in a clear field

Is called by our name -

So let him bloom even in captivity!

Вот пришла лиха беда -

Уж ворота отворяют, -

Значит, пробил час, когда

Бабьи слезы высыхают.

Значит, больше места нет

Ни утехам, ни нарядам.

Коль семь бед - один ответ, -

Так пускай до лучших лет

Наши беды будут рядом.

Не сдержать меня уговорами.

Верю свято я - не в него ли?

Пусть над ним кружат черны вороны,

Но он дорог мне и в неволе.

Понаехали сваты,

Словно на смех, для потехи, -

Ах, шуты они, шуты:

Не бывать тому вовеки.

Где им знать: поют кругом,

Да прослышала сама я,

Как в году невесть каком

Стали вдруг одним цветком

Два цветка - Иван да Марья.

Путь-дороженька - та ли, эта ли, -

Во кромешной тьме, с мукой-болью,

В пекло ль самое, на край света ли, -

Приведи к нему, хоть в неволю.

Ветры добрые, тайком

Прокрадитесь во темницу -

Пусть узнает он о том,

Что душа к нему стремится.

Сердцем пусть не упадет

И не думает худого,

Пусть надеется и ждет -

Помощь Марьина придет

Скоро-скоро, верно слово.

Пусть не сетует, пусть не мается,

Ведь не зря цветок в чистом поле

Нашим именем называется -

Так цвести ему и в неволе!

The song "Ivan and Marya" by Vladimir Vysotsky tells a story of tragic love and unwavering loyalty of a girl named Marya.

The song begins with a picture of misfortune: "Here comes a terrible trouble". The gates are opening, symbolizing the irreversibility of events. Tears will no longer help, there is no more room for "consolation" and "finery". It's time to act, because "seven troubles - one answer" – the decision to be with her beloved, no matter what.

Marya is ready for anything for the sake of her Ivan, who is being held captive. She doesn't listen to anyone's persuasion, she believes in him and their love, even despite the unfavorable omens ("black ravens are circling above him"). Matchmaking, which happens as if "for a laugh", is perceived by her as a joke that has no power.

The legend of the flower Ivan-da-Marya, where two different flowers merge into one, became a symbol of their inseparable connection with Ivan for Marya. She believes that their love is just as strong and real.

Marya is ready to go to any lengths, overcome any obstacles ("in pitch darkness", "to hell itself", "to the ends of the earth"), just to be close to her beloved. She asks the "good winds" to convey the message of her love and loyalty to Ivan, to give him hope for a speedy reunion.

At the end of the song, Marya turns to the flower that bears their names, as a symbol of their love, and asks it to bloom even in "captivity", instilling hope in Ivan's heart as well. She believes that their love will overcome all obstacles.

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