The meaning of the lyrics of the song "From spring" (Iz vesnyi) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Spring had just begun

Not yet had we enjoyed our fun

But my soul was yearning to be free

And suddenly two men appear

With convoy, with convoy, it's clear

"Get dressed," they say, "and come with me!"

I begged the sergeant, I confess

"Don't take me away from Spring, I stress!"

Till May we toiled in sweat and dread

They tried to break me, it is said

But here's to you - I played dumb for forty days

And then - a knife plunged in my back

They took Katerina, on the wrong track

The investigator held my fate in his gaze

I understood, I knew I'd drown

Just show me Spring, a glimpse, a town!

And once again - the train's harsh sound

Junctions, junctions, all around

Counting the miles on the railway line

And through the window - green so bright

Birches and maples, what a sight

As if to say: "Don't leave us behind!"

And from the platform, boys did wave

Why are they taking me to the grave?

I asked Katya with a glance

"Shall we escape?" - "No, take a chance!"

"No more, without Spring I cannot be!"

And Katya whispered then to me

"Alright, if that's how it must be"

That very night we fled into the free

How gently Spring embraced us then!

So that's what you are, Spring, again!

But on the second day, it's true

The hounds, they tracked us, me and you

Like dogs on scent, they found their way

They bound our wrists with cruel delight

Our hands and feet, in sorry plight

Like carrion through the mud we lay

I understood: no more sweet dreams

They took me from Spring, it surely seems

Весна еще в начале

Еще не загуляли

Но уж душа рвалася из груди

И вдруг приходят двое

С конвоем, с конвоем

Оденься, – говорят, – и выходи!"

Я так тогда просил у старшины

"Не уводите меня из Весны!"

До мая пропотели

Всё расколоть хотели

Но – нате вам – темню я сорок дней

И вдруг – как нож мне в спину

Забрали Катерину

И следователь стал меня главней

Я понял, я понял, что тону

Покажьте мне хоть в форточку Весну!

И вот опять – вагоны

Перегоны, перегоны

И стыки рельс отсчитывают путь

А за окном – в зеленом

Березки и клены

Как будто говорят: "Не позабудь!"

А с насыпи мне машут пацаны

Зачем меня увозят из Весны!

Спросил я Катю взглядом

"Уходим?" – "Не надо!"

"Нет, хватит, – без Весны я не могу!"

И мне сказала Катя

"Что ж, хватит так хватит"

И в ту же ночь мы с ней ушли тайгу

Как ласково нас встретила она!

Так вот, так вот какая ты, Весна!

А на вторые сутки

На след напали суки

Как псы на след напали и нашли

И завязали суки

И ноги, и руки

Как падаль по грязи поволокли

Я понял: мне не видеть больше сны

Совсем меня убрали из Весны

The song "Out of Spring" by Vladimir Vysotsky tells a tragic story of a lyrical hero whose life is ruthlessly broken by the system.

The image of spring is multifaceted. On the one hand, it's a symbol of renewal, freedom, hope, and love. The hero feels his "soul tearing out of his chest" towards spring, as nature awakens from its winter sleep. In this context, spring embodies everything the hero is deprived of while imprisoned.

On the other hand, spring becomes a symbol of lost freedom and ruined love. The hero's sudden arrest at the very beginning of spring ("Spring is still in its early days, hasn't fully blossomed yet...") emphasizes the cruelty and absurdity of the system that deprives a person of the right to happiness and freedom.

The motif of the road ("train cars, crossings") symbolizes the hero's lack of freedom, his forced movement against his will. The nature outside the window ("birches and maples") reminds him of his lost freedom and becomes a source of pain, as if telling the hero: "Don't forget!"

The image of Katerina is a symbol of love and loyalty, which gives the hero the strength to fight for his freedom. Together with Katerina, he escapes ("And that same night, we escaped into the taiga"), finding a fleeting moment of freedom and happiness in the bosom of nature ("How tenderly she welcomed us! So that's what you're like, Spring!").

However, the ending of the song is tragic. The escape is short-lived, the hero is caught and brutally beaten. Spring, which was a symbol of hope, now becomes associated with death and despair ("They've completely removed me from Spring").

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