The meaning of the lyrics of the song "March of the Antipodes" (Marsch antipodov) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"
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Vladimir Vysotsky's poem "March of the Scuba Divers" is not just a description of an underwater dive, but a metaphor for human life, full of dangers, losses, and a thirst for the unknown.From the very first lines ("We are pulled to the bottom like ballast
In Vladimir Vysotsky's song "Marathon, or Long-Distance Running," the lyrical hero participates in a grueling marathon. From the very first lines, one feels the tension "I run,
In Vladimir Vysotsky's poem "The Little Frog," the author uses an allegory to address the theme of decision-making and taking responsibility for one's choices. The little frogs, "set to guard the house," personify people who face the need to make choices in ambiguous situations
In Vladimir Vysotsky's song "The Middle Men," a satirical depiction of a battle conceals a profound philosophical subtext about the nature of human conformity and the price of mediocrity.The poem contrasts three types of people, embodying different models of behavior in society
In his song "Lukomorye No More," Vladimir Vysotsky doesn't simply retell the familiar images of Pushkin's poem. Instead, he creates a satirical parody of Soviet reality
Vladimir Vysotsky's song "Twenty Thousand Horsepower Crammed into Machines.