The meaning of the lyrics of the song "March of the End of War" (Marsch o konce voynyi) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

They knock together tables from planks in the yard,

While they're not yet set - they clatter dominoes...

The days in May are longer than the nights in December,

And time stretches on - but everything is decided!

The pre-war lamps already burn dimly,

From windows Moscow looked down on the captives -

And somewhere, shrapnel pushed into the hearts of soldiers,

And somewhere, scouts need to capture a prisoner.

Spring water hasn't been drunk to satisfaction,

Wedding rings haven't been bought for good -

Everything was swept away by the flood of the people's misery,

Which is finally coming to an end!

They are already renewing banners, forming columns,

And the cobblestones in the square are clean as parquet on the floor -

But still, trains go west, and go, and go,

And women in the rear attend funerals.

Gardens are already blooming everywhere,

The earth and the water in the ditches have warmed up -

And soon the reward for valiant labors -

A pillow of fresh grass for their heads!

Captured accordions have already started to play,

Oaths can be heard - to live in harmony, love, without debts -

But still, trains go west, and go, and go,

And it seemed to us - there were no more enemies left!

It seemed to us - there were no more enemies left!

Сбивают из досок столы во дворе, -

Пока не накрыли - стучат в домино...

Дни в мае длиннее ночей в декабре,

И тянется время - но все решено!

Вот уже довоенные лампы горят вполнакала,

Из окон на пленных глазела Москва свысока, -

А где-то солдатиков в сердце осколком толкало,

А где-то разведчикам надо добыть языка.

Не выпито всласть родниковой воды,

Не куплено впрок обручальных колец -

Все смыло потоком народной беды,

Которой приходит конец наконец!

Вот уже обновляют знамена, и строят в колонны,

И булыжник на площади чист, как паркет на полу, -

А все же на запад идут и идут, и идут эшелоны,

И над похоронкой заходятся бабы в тылу.

Уже зацветают повсюду сады,

И землю прогрело и воду во рвах, -

И скоро награда за ратны труды -

Подушка из свежей травы в головах!

Вот уже зазвучали трофейные аккордеоны,

Вот и клятвы слышны - жить в согласье, любви, без долгов, -

И все же на запад идут и идут, и идут эшелоны,

А нам показалось - уже не осталось врагов!

А нам показалось - уже не осталось врагов!.

Vladimir Vysotsky's song "March of the End of War" intertwines the joy of approaching victory with the bitterness of the losses brought about by the war. The text is full of contrasts, emphasizing the complexity of the moment.

On the one hand, we see scenes of peaceful life beginning to emerge through the military routine: the clatter of dominoes, the long days of May, pre-war lamps. People are starting to dream of the future: wedding rings, spring water, tranquility.

However, the joy of victory is overshadowed by the inevitable price that had to be paid. "Washed away by the flood of national grief" - this phrase conveys the full extent of the losses and hardships. The echelons continue to move westward, reminding us that the war is not over yet, which means there will be new victims. "And over the funeral notices, women are wailing in the rear" - this picture contrasts with the carefree clatter of dominoes and emphasizes that the grief of war has touched every family.

Vysotsky gives no definitive answer as to whether there are any enemies left. The phrase "And it seemed to us - there were no more enemies left!" is repeated twice, and this repetition sounds like a question, like a doubt. Perhaps the enemies are still there, they have just taken on a different form – the form of grief, destruction, and mental wounds that the war left behind.

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