The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The March of the Physics Students" (Marsch studentov-fizikov) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

The paths to the antiworld haven't been blazed,

But hold fast, like on the front line!

We bombard nuclei with protons,

We are the anti-artillerymen.

It's time to uncover the hidden secrets,

They lie useless, like treasures in a chest.

We'll wrest these secrets from the nucleus,

And unleash the genie from the bottle!

The cunning atoms are tightly packed,

Just try to break through!

To your steeds - chase after the quanta!

We are the quantum cavalrymen.

It's time to uncover the hidden secrets,

They lie useless, like treasures in a chest.

We'll tear these secrets by the roots from the nucleus,

And unleash the genie from the bottle!

Even if you can't catch a neutrino by the beard

Or put it in a test tube -

It would be great if Pontecorvo

Could grab it firmly by the scruff of its neck!

It's time to uncover the hidden secrets,

They lie useless, like treasures in a chest.

We'll tear these secrets by the roots from the nucleus,

And unleash the genie from the bottle!

Liquid, solid, gaseous -

Simple, clear, and free!

But with this plasma, you'll reach a point of madness,

And that's quite an honor.

It's time to uncover the hidden secrets,

They lie useless, like treasures in a chest.

We'll tear these secrets by the roots from the nucleus,

And unleash the genie from the bottle!

Youth is green! Antiquity is history!

Old age - to gather dust in the archives!

Give us this general, this unified theory

Of elementary particles!

It's time to uncover the hidden secrets,

They lie useless, like treasures in a chest.

We'll tear these secrets by the roots from the nucleus,

And drink our fill of the genie from the bottle!

Тропы еще в антимир не протоптаны,

Но, как на фронте, держись ты!

Бомбардируем мы ядра протонами,

Значит, мы - антиллеристы.

Нам тайны нераскрытые раскрыть пора, -

Лежат без пользы тайны, как в копилке.

Мы тайны эти скоро вырвем у ядра,

На волю пустим джинна из бутылки!

Тесно сплотились коварные атомы, -

Ну-ка, попробуй прорвись ты!

Живо по коням - в погоню за квантами!

Значит, мы - квантолеристы.

Нам тайны нераскрытые раскрыть пора, -

Лежат без пользы тайны, как в копилке.

Мы тайны эти с корнем вырвем у ядра,

На волю пустим джинна из бутылки!

Пусть не поймаешь нейтрино за бороду

И не посадишь в пробирку, -

Было бы здорово, чтоб Понтекорво

Взял его крепче за шкирку!

Нам тайны нераскрытые раскрыть пора, -

Лежат без пользы тайны, как в копилке.

Мы тайны эти с корнем вырвем у ядра,

На волю пустим джинна из бутылки!

Жидкие, твердые, газообразные -

Просто, понятно, вольготно!

А с этой плазмой дойдешь до маразма, - и

Это довольно почетно.

Нам тайны нераскрытые раскрыть пора, -

Лежат без пользы тайны, как в копилке,

Мы тайны эти с корнем вырвем у ядра,

На волю пустим джинна из бутылки!

Молодо - зелено! Древность - в историю!

Дряхлость - в архивах пылиться!

Даешь эту общую, эту теорию,

Элементарных частиц нам!

Нам тайны нераскрытые раскрыть пора, -

Лежат без пользы тайны, как в копилке.

Мы тайны эти с корнем вырвем у ядра,

И вволю выпьем джинна из бутылки!

In his song "March of the Physics Students", Vladimir Vysotsky, with his characteristic irony and enthusiasm, paints a portrait of young scientists eager for discovery. Using metaphors and similes, the author conveys the enthusiasm and ambition of students ready to tackle the most challenging problems in physics.

"Paths to the antiworld have yet to be trodden," but the students are determined to blaze them, likening themselves to "anti-artillerymen" bombarding nuclei with protons. They anticipate the imminent unraveling of the mysteries of the universe, comparing them to a "genie in a bottle" that they are eager to release.

Vysotsky uses playful imagery to describe complex physical phenomena: "treacherous atoms," "quantologists" in pursuit of quanta. He mentions renowned physicist Bruno Pontecorvo, emphasizing the importance of his research on neutrinos.

The students are not afraid of difficulties, humorously acknowledging the complexities of studying plasma. They are ready to leave outdated theories behind, striving to create a unified theory of elementary particles.

The final lines of the song sound like a toast filled with optimism and belief in success: "We will wrest these secrets from the heart of the nucleus, / And drink our fill of the genie from the bottle!" This imagery is an allegory for the acquisition of new knowledge, which will be a truly "intoxicating" discovery for them.

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